常有信心接下來發(fā)生在Sherlock和John身上的故事將會是觀眾們所期待的的。[/cn] [en]Shooting for the special will begin January 2015, with Season 4 shooting later in the year. There is no premiere date yet available for either. [/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》第四季特別集將三宣布《神探夏洛克會在2015年1月開始拍攝,而另外3集將會在2015年稍后拍攝。不過目前還沒有確定具體的播出日期。[/cn]
[en]Sherlock is a wonderfully brilliant series but its most impressive feat is that it constantly leaves fans wanting more.[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》是部很贊的劇,但是每年只出3集的安排讓觀眾們一直處于欲求不滿的狀態(tài)。[/cn] [en]Although fans will have to wait a while longer for Season 4, the Sherlock gods have smiled down upon us and will present a Victorian-era special hopefully later this year. At this time, PBS, which airs the series in the U.S., has not set a premiere date because the BBC has not yet set theirs. To that point, the network advertised the new special to reporters at the Television Critics Association fall previews on Saturday as "coming soon...ish."[/en][cn]雖然《神探夏洛克》第四季讓我們等待的時間比之前三季要長,不過劇組還是發(fā)了發(fā)慈悲,決神探夏洛克定在今年晚些時候播出一集維多利亞特輯,讓粉絲們以解相思之苦。這次,在美國買下《神探夏洛克》播出權(quán)的電視臺PBS也沒有辦法確定這集特別集的開播時間,因為BBC電視臺自己都還沒有定好確定的開播時間。因此,在電視評論家協(xié)會上的秋季開播預(yù)告中,PBS只能預(yù)告說:“《神探夏洛克》即將回歸...噓?!盵/cn] [en]"I think we are all working to be as nimble as we can with this one," the producer said. "We are in very close touch with the BBC, and we are working very hard to not frustrate the fans..."[/en][cn]制片人說:“我們都在把我們的靈感傾注在這部劇中,我們和BBC電視臺有著很好的溝通,我們在很努力的創(chuàng)作,希望可以不要讓粉絲們失望...”[/cn]
[en]"Sherlock" Season 4 is a long way away. But, according to star Benedict Cumberbatch, there's a chance there might not even be a Season 4.[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》第四季回歸還早著呢。不過Benedict Cumberbatch的意思,有可能第四季的計劃會泡湯。[/cn] [en]"I genuinely don't know," Cumberbatch says of new "Sherlock" episodes in an interview with the Adelaide Advertiser (re-quoted by the Radio Times). "That's not me trying to be mysterious. None of us know if there will be a fourth, fifth or sixth series."[/en][cn]在接受Adelaide Advertiser采訪時,Cumberbatch說:“我不是想賣關(guān)子,不過我是真的不知道會不會有第四季、甚至第五第六季,其他人也都不知道?!盵/cn] [en]Does that mean that Cumberbatch and the rest of the "Sherlock" stars could be done for good? While it isn't likely, the actor does point out that he's pretty much everywhere all the time these days. [/en][cn]這是不是意味著Cumberbatch和其他《神探夏洛克》演員會不演了呢?似乎不是這樣,這位演員表示,最近他的消息真的被傳到到處都是。[/cn] [en]"I'd hate to think anyone is sick of the sight of me, although I wouldn't blame them," Cumberbatch adds. "I've overexposed myself! Actually that sounds a bit dirty ... I'm proud of every single project. I can genuinely say that it is varied enough, as a slate, to not fear too much overexposure. I just hope the public agree because they are seeing a lot of me."[/en][cn]“我不想去哪都有人會注意到我,當然我不怪大家,”Cumberbatch說?!拔矣X得我最近曝光得太神探夏洛克》第四季過了!雖然這么說不太好...我對自己參加的每個項目都很自豪。不過我真心的說,最近的過度曝光讓我有些害怕了。我覺得大家應(yīng)該都承認,因為大家最近真的是到處都能看到我的各種消息?!盵/cn]
會在5、6月份進行排練籌備,目前還沒有宣布將會演多少場。[/cn] [en]This will be yet another activity in an extremely busy couple of years for the actor. In addition to playing John Watson on "Sherlock," Freeman is Bilbo Baggins in the "Hobbit" series of movies and has a lead role in the upcoming FX series, "Fargo."[/en][cn]除了這部戲劇,Martin Freeman最近一兩年其實是非常忙碌的,他除了要出演《神探夏洛克》中的John Watson,還在《霍比特人》里演了Bilbo Baggins,而且還會在FX美劇《Fargo》中做男主角。[/cn] [en]But Shakespeare is in the air for "Sherlock" actors -- co-star Benedict Cumberbatch is set to star in "Hamlet" in London during the summer of 2015. [/en][cn]不過參演莎士比亞戲劇的可神探夏洛克不只他一個——《神探夏洛克》另一位男主演Benedict Cumberbatch也將會主演另一部莎士比亞戲劇《哈姆雷特》,預(yù)計這部戲劇將會在2015年夏季登場。[/cn]
[en]Sherlock stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman were the first to know there would be a fourth series of the BBC1 detective drama, says co-creator Steven Moffat at the Cheltenham Literature Festival.– even before himself or the BBC's [w=commissioner]commissioners[/w].[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》合伙制片人史蒂芬·莫法特特在切爾滕納姆文學(xué)節(jié)上稱,該片兩位男主角——本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和馬丁·弗里曼是最先知道這部偵探劇會有第四季的人,甚至早在制片人和BBC委員之前他們就知道了。 [/cn] [en]"We had to inform the BBC that Martin and Benedict had commissioned a new series," said Moffat.[/en][cn] “我們已經(jīng)告知BBC電視臺,馬丁和本尼迪克特神探夏洛克已經(jīng)同意出演第四季了?!蹦ㄌ卣f。[/cn] [en]"They signed themselves up. They both announced that they were carrying on – so that’s good. Benedict, at some red carpet event somewhere, said he was carrying on forever. Martin, at another one, said, ‘Yep, series four is happening’." [/en][cn]“他們兩個人都簽了約。兩人都宣布會繼續(xù)演下去——這非常好。本尼迪特當時正在某地走紅地毯,稱他會永遠繼續(xù)演下去。另一個男主角馬丁也說'是的,會有第四季的'?!盵/cn] [en]Fans are still awaiting Sherlock series three almost two years after the season-two [w]cliffhanger[/w] [w]finale[/w] was first screened, with an official air date yet to be announced. And while Moffat admitted he himself did not know for sure when it would be broadcast, he did say "I would place good money on it being at the very end or the very beginning of the year."[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》第二季攝制之后將近兩年了,懸念迭起的劇情未完待續(xù),粉絲還在苦等著第三季。官方網(wǎng)站上的公映日程表也尚未公布。盡管莫法特承認他本人也不知道該劇什么時候能播出,他也說,“在今年年末或明年年初我將會把一大筆錢投入到該劇的攝制工作中去?!盵/cn]
[en]Bad news for fans of the BBC‘s fresh and [w]inventive[/w] take on Sherlock Holmes. The second season of Sherlock has been pushed back to 2012.[/en][cn]給所有喜歡BBC英劇《神探夏洛克
神探夏洛克第四季回歸 良心劇組穿幫的N個細節(jié)
a shark suit and swimming in the aquarium during the final scene.?[/en][cn]一些觀眾不禁推測:莫里亞蒂可能已經(jīng)回來了,甚至開玩笑說其實水族館一幕里莫娘穿了個鯊魚裝在后面游著呢。(英語君也是著實佩服歪果仁的腦洞了...)[/cn] [en]One viewer tweeted: 'Sherlock was good...but I'm still not over the fact we have no Moriarty...yet??'[/en][cn]還有一些觀眾發(fā)推特說:“夏洛克是不錯...但是我還是無法接受莫娘沒有回歸的事實...真的還沒嗎???”[/cn] 《神探夏洛克》第四季剩下的兩集《撒謊的偵探》和《最后的問題》將分別在1月8日和1月15日播出。敬請期待吧~ 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。