• 神探夏洛克第三季:潮嫂阿曼達?艾賓頓出演重要角色

    [en]BBC One announced this morning that actress Amanda Abbington has joined Sherlock series 3, which is currently filming its trio of episodes.[/en][cn]BBC1臺在3月27日宣布,英國女演員阿曼達·艾賓頓正式加盟《神探夏洛克》第三季,這部熱門英劇目前正在拍攝第三季。[/cn] [en]While her character remains a mystery at present, her role is described as someone 'that significantly impacts upon the lives of John Watson and Sherlock Holmes.'[/en][cn]阿曼達·艾賓頓飾演的角色目前還未知,不過艾賓頓將扮演一個對“華生和福爾摩斯生活產生重要影響” 的角色。[/cn] [en]Amanda's character features in S3E1: The Empty Hearse, which is currently filming. There is no word if the character will [w]recur[/w] in any other episodes.[/en][cn]艾賓頓飾演的角色出現(xiàn)在第三季第一集《空棺》中,日前第一集正在拍攝中。目前還沒有消息確認該角色會出現(xiàn)在其他幾集中。[/cn] [en]Since Abbington is the long time romantic partner of Freeman, the early speculation is that she will play one of Watson’s wives on “Sherlock.”[/en][cn]阿曼達·艾賓頓是劇中華生的扮演者馬丁·弗里曼的多年伴侶,所以關于她的角色最初的猜想也是她將扮演《神探夏洛克》華生妻子中的一位。[/cn] [en]In Arthur Conan Doyle’s original Sherlock Holmes stories, Watson was engaged to a woman named Mary Morstan who had died by the time that Holmes revealed his survival at Reichenbach Falls in “The Adventure Of The Empty House.” Conan Doyle also mentioned Watson’s second wife in two later stories, but that woman wasn’t named. [/en][cn]在阿瑟·柯南道爾的福爾摩斯原著中,華生與一個叫瑪麗·摩斯坦的女子訂婚,不過在故事《空屋歷險記》中福爾摩斯揭露自己在萊辛巴赫瀑布假死之謎時,瑪麗·摩斯坦已經去世??履系罓栠€在后來的兩個故事中

  • “卷?!笨挡推骐p親客串《神探夏洛克

    [en]BBC1 viewers met Sherlock Holmes’s parents tonight and – unbeknown to many – were simultaneously introduced to Benedict Cumberbatch’s real mum and dad.[/en][cn]BBC的觀眾們在《神探夏洛克》第三季首播劇集中看到了夏洛克·福爾摩斯的父母——許多觀眾不知道的是,他們同時也見神探夏洛克》第三季到了本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇現(xiàn)實中的父母。[/cn] [en]Wanda Ventham, 78, and Timothy Carlton (real name

  • 神探夏洛克第三季前將播圣誕迷你集

    Day. The synopsis for the series indicates that the show will pick up two years after his [w]climactic[/w] fall during the series 2 finale.[/en][cn]迷你集《Many Happy Returns》聽起來像是《神探夏洛克第三季的先行篇,而第三季也將在2014年元旦進行官方首播。圣誕迷你集的梗要顯示,故事將在第二結尾高潮夏洛克縱身一躍的兩年后繼續(xù)展開。[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克第三季片場照:卷福頭戴報童帽帥氣依舊

    到他在《神探夏洛克》里扮演的無敵偵探,現(xiàn)在我們又將看到他扮演的惡魔約翰·哈里森。[/cn] [en]What’d Benedict have to say about his Star Trek [w=villain]villain[/w]? “He’s a homegrown terrorist, someone who has an [w=inordinate]inordinate[/w] amount of skill with close-hand combat and weaponry. But also as a psychological terrorist he’s someone who can plant an idea. He can try and turn people against one another to do his bidding.”[/en][cn]本尼迪克特是怎么評價自己扮演的星際迷航的大壞蛋呢?“他是個土生土長的恐怖分子,他有著不可思議的能力和與之結合的武器。同時作為一個精通心理學的恐怖分子,他可以將想法植入他人大腦。他可以讓人聽從自己的命令互相攻擊?!盵/cn] [en]Check out photos of Benedict sporting a newsboy cap on the set of Sherlock last week. How excited are you for his evil role in Star Trek Into Darkness?[/en][cn]這是上周本尼迪克特戴著報童帽在拍攝《神探夏洛克》時的片場照,你對他在《星際迷航:暗黑無界》中的惡魔角色有多期待?[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克》編?。哼€有第四和第五

    別的緣由,馬克和我坐在劇組車上躲雨……然后我們馬上就規(guī)劃出了未來兩季的計劃?!?莫法特在參加英國電影學院獎《神探夏洛克》第三季最終集《最后誓言》放映時對觀眾表示。[/cn] [en]“And we plotted out the whole of series four and five.”[/en][cn]"并且我們已經設計好了整個第四季和第五季的劇情。"[/cn] [en]“So we have got plans – but our plans don’t tend to be ‘Let’s blow up the world or cast the most famous person in the world’ they tend to be ‘What exciting twists and turns can we add to this?’ And I think we’ve got some [w=cracker]crackers[/w]![/en][cn]“所以我們是有計劃的,但我們的計劃并不是‘讓我們轟動世界或找世界上最有名的人來出演角色’,而是‘我們能為劇情添加什么樣迂回曲折的情節(jié)呢?’ 我認為我們已經有好的構思了?!盵/cn] [en]“The ideas we had that day, I thought were the best we’ve ever had.”[/en][cn]“我認為我們那天產生的想法,是我們這么久以來最好的構思?!盵/cn] [en]And after you watch the series three finale on Sunday, you’ll know that’s setting the bar very high indeed…[/en][cn]"當你周日看完第三季最終集的時候,你就會了解到我們其實把門檻設得很高……"[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克》第四獲續(xù)訂:卷福說想一直拍下去

    [/en][cn]史蒂文·莫法特還是英劇《神秘博士》制作人,而康伯巴奇和弗里曼兩人在好萊塢的事業(yè)也是風生水起。弗里曼在彼得·杰遜導演的《霍比特人》部曲中飾演比爾博·巴金斯,康伯巴奇同樣在該系列電影中配音??挡推孢€將在電影《星際迷航2:暗黑無界》中扮演神秘的反派角色。[/cn] [en]Filming of Sherlock season three begins on Monday (18 March) with the series expected to air in the autumn.[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克第三季將于下周與3月18日開始拍攝,有望在今年秋天播出。[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克要拍第五?

    出了為什么第五季不會如影迷們所愿的原因。[/cn] [en]Here’s a quick rundown of what we know so far:[/en][cn]以下是我們目前所知的情況:[/cn] [en]While Benedict Cumberbatch has expressed interest in returning to Sherlock, he’s warned fans not to?hold their breath. The Doctor Strange star already has a rather busy schedule ahead of him, with film and TV roles extending well past 2019.[/en][cn]雖然Benedict Cumberbatch表示有興趣回到Sherlock,但他告訴影迷們不要報太大期望。奇異博士的檔期相當繁忙,電影和電視的安排已經排到下一年。[/cn] [en]Martin Freeman, who plays Doctor Watson, has made it clear how difficult it’s been to live up to fan expectations, and has also explained that working on the show has lost some of its appeal.[/en][cn]扮演華生醫(yī)生的馬丁·弗里曼已經明確表示,實現(xiàn)粉絲的期望是非常困難的,并且還解釋說,在這里工作已經失去了吸引力。[/cn] [en]Steven Moffat and Mark Gattis, meanwhile, haven’t ruled anything out, though they were quick to note that are both busy working on other projects – namely, a Dracula series.[/en][cn]與此同時,史蒂文·莫法特和馬克·加蒂斯并沒有排除任何其它可能性,盡管他們很快就注意到其他演員都在忙于其他工作?- 也

  • 神探夏洛克第三季片場 神遇對手

  • 神探夏洛克》S03E02收視依舊堅挺

    [en]Ratings for the second episode of "Sherlock" Season 3, "The Sign of Three," were down slightly from the season premiere. Even with the decrease, however, "Sherlock" was by far the most-watched program in the UK on Sunday (Jan. 5).[/en][cn]相對于第三季開播集,《神探夏洛克》第三季第二集《三簽名》的收視人數有所下跌。不過雖然收視人數跌了,《神探夏洛克》第三季第二集仍然是當天英國收看人數最多的節(jié)目。[/cn] [en]8.48 million viewers tuned in for the 90-minute episode on BBC One. That represents a 31.9 percent share. Compared to the 9.2 million who watched "The Empty Hearse" on New Years Day -- the most-watched "Sherlock" episode ever -- this does represent a small decrease.[/en][cn]848萬觀眾收第三季開播集,《神探夏洛克看了BBC1臺的這集90分鐘劇集,收視率是31.9,相較于收視人數最高的前一集920萬觀眾人數有所下跌,前一集《空棺》也是《神探夏洛克》系列收視最高的一集。[/cn] [en]When compared with other British programming on Sunday, "Sherlock" still wins. The season premiere of "Dancing on Ice" on ITV, for example, pulled in only 6.8 million viewers.[/en][cn]和當天播出的其他英國節(jié)目相比,《神探夏洛克》是當日的收視冠軍。比如ITV的《Dancing on Ice》新季開播,只有680萬觀眾收看。[/cn] [en]The Season 3 finale of "Sherlock," "His Final Vow," airs on Sunday, Jan. 12 in the UK, while the third season premieres in the US on Sunday, Jan. 19 on PBS.[/en][cn]《神探夏洛克》第三季結局集《他最后的誓言》將會在英國時間1月12日播出,而《神探夏洛克第三季會在1月19日在美國PBS播出。[/cn]

  • 神探夏洛克》“莫娘”稱回歸第三季并非不可能

    We won’t be getting any fresh Sherlock this year, but we certainly haven’t been short of [w]gossip[/w] in the months since Benedict Cumberbatch plummeted from that roof. People are still debating how he survived that [w]mishap[/w] by the way.?Usually its Steven Moffat teasing us with hints to keep us interested, but today Andrew Scott, the man who won a Best Supporting Actor for his role as Holmes-arch-nemesis Professor Moriarty in the BBC series, who’s been tantalising us by claiming that his character’s return is not impossible, despite appearing to die in the series two [w]climax[/w]. “It’s very hard for him to come back. But nothing is impossible,” he told the Radio Times last night. “One of the best things about working on Sherlock was acting with Benedict. He’s a really cool guy.”?“It was very important that the chemistry between the two of us was right and those scenes were written really brilliantly. That’s one of the things I’ll always remember.” Scott explained that he wouldn’t mind playing Doctor Who if the role ever came up and told the press that a love of the original material was at the heart of Sherlock’s success.?“Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss are massive Sherlock Holmes enthusiasts so I don’t think it would have worked if they hadn’t been such big [w=enthusiast]enthusiasts[/w]. People forgot about the modernity of it very quickly. 滬江娛樂快訊:通常滿嘴跑火車調戲群眾的是史蒂文·莫法特先生(Steven Moffat),但剛剛憑借《新福爾摩斯》的莫里亞蒂(Moriaty)一角獲得今年英國電影學院獎(BAFTA)最佳男配角獎的“莫娘”安德魯·斯科特(Andrew Scott)說,盡管觀眾都看到第二季結尾時莫娘死了,但他的回歸不是絕對不可能的。 “要讓這一角色回歸的難度的確很大。但也不能說這是絕對不可能的,”他向《廣播時報》透露,“參與《新福爾摩斯》的演