看生活大爆炸學英語第三季第四集 【劇情介紹】 Raj此刻心中充滿對美國生活的不舍,Sheldon對Raj所說的印度習俗表示質(zhì)疑,這樣Raj很是火大甚至對牛發(fā)誓要給Sheldon點顏色看看. Howard帶來好消息,看樣子“四人幫”是拆不散的. RAJ: Hello,Sheldon. SHELDON: Forgive me,as you know, I’m no adept at reading facial cues,? But I'm going to take a stab here: You’re either sad or [w=nauseate]nauseated[/w]. RAJ: I'm sad. SHELDON: I was going to say sad. I don't know why I [w=hedge]hedged[/w]. RAJ: What are you eating? SHELDON: [w]Elbow[/w] [w]macaroni[/w] with ground hamburger and tomato sauce. RAJ: Oh,beefaroni. I think I'll miss you most of all. LEONARD: I've always been a little confused about this. Why don't [w]Hindus[/w] eat beef? RAJ: We believe cows are gods. SHELDON: Not technically. In [w]Hinduism[/w], cattle are thought to be like god. RAJ: Do not tell me about my own culture, Sheldon! In the mood I'm in, I’ll take you out-- I swear to cow! SHELDON: I'm sorry. RAJ: Me,too. I'm just... I'm a little on edge. SHELDON: Understandable. Your entire life seems to be [w=crumble]crumbling[/w] around you, And your future appears [w]bleak[/w] at best. RAJ: Thank you. SHELDON: And you're wrong about Hinduism and cows. HOWARD:Hey,Raj,guess what. Professor Laughlin is looking for someone to join The [w]stellar[/w] evolution research team. RAJ:You-you're kidding! That's fantastic! HOWARD:What are you waiting for? Call him and set up an interview. RAJ: I'm on it. SHELDON: That's happy,right? LEONARD:Yeah. SHELDON: Nailed it. 【口語講解】 1. adept at熟練于…擅長于,精于,善于 How many college students are more adept at Internet use and software than they are at human relationships? 有多少大學生們正在變得越來越熟識互聯(lián)網(wǎng)和軟件的使用而疏于人際關系呢? 2. take a stab at 試試看 I've never bowled before, but I'll take a stab at it. 我以前從來沒打過保齡球,不過我想要試試看。 3. take out 除了有帶某人出去約會的意思外還有消除,消滅;摧毀,毀滅的意思 4. on edge緊張不安;心煩意亂;惱怒 Lately stress has put me on edge. 最近壓力使我易怒。 5. Nailed it搞定,成功.
2011-11-04 -
生活大爆炸:SO2EO9(4) 觸不到的戀人
小提示: 聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, 不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要大寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:Sheldon和Leonard談判不成,又去找Penny。 -Sheldon:Penny? Penny? Penny? -Penny:What? -Sheldon:This is banana bread. -Penny:This is a _______1________. -Sheldon:It's my understanding
看生活大爆炸學英語第三季第五集 【劇情介紹】 漫畫書店舉行神秘勇士錦標賽(一種紙牌游戲), 星際迷航中的一演員威爾惠頓也參加,他曾經(jīng)是Sheldon的偶像,但由于他曾經(jīng) “放鴿子”, Sheldon把他視為敵人.Raj在一旁煽風點火想讓Sheldon參加比賽. SHELDON: Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Betty and Veronica? STUART: Hey,Sheldon,the new Greelantern figurine's coming in tomorrow. Want me to set one aside for you? SHELDON: Thank you. You just robbed me of the opportunity to stumble upon the figurine And make the oh-so-satisfying journey From discovery to desire to possession. STUART: All right,I won't set one aside for you. SHELDON: But I must have it. STUART: Okay,I'll set one aside for you. SHELDON: Thank you. You know,I can buy all these things online. I come here for the personal service. RAJ: Hey,Stuart,is the Wil Wheaton signed up For the Mystic Warlords tournament The Wil Wheaton from Star Trek? STUART: Yeah,he lives around here. Big gamer. SHELDON: Excuse me. Are you saying that will wheaton aka Ensign Wesley Crusher On Star Trek: The next generation Is going to be participating in your tournament? STUART: Oh,I'm sorry,did I rob you of the opportunity to stumble onto that for yourself? SHELDON: You don't understand. Growing up,I idolizedle Wil Wheaton. Wesley Crusher had an eidetic memory just like me. RAJ: Ooh,what a coincidence. Maybe you can discuss with him while you're playing in the tournament. Sign here. SHELDON: I was such a fan That in 1995,I traveled ten hours by bus To a sci-fi convention in Jackson,Mississippi, Wearing my Starfleet Academy cadet uniform In order to meet Wil Wheaton?And get him to autograph My mint in-package Wesley Crusher action figure RAJ: Ooh,it'll be like a reunion then. Sign here. SHELDON: My arduous journey,however,was for naught. Although advertised to appear,he did not show up. It was at that moment,I vowed eternal hatred for Wil Wheaton. RAJ: Okay,great,you can tell him you hate him. Sign here. 【口語講解】 1set aside除了有表示“把…放在一邊”之外還有“撤銷,駁回,宣布…無效”的意思 The appeal was set aside. 上訴被駁生活大爆炸回了。 2rob of搶劫;盜取;偷竊.剝奪;使失去 Television has robbed the cinema of its former popularity.電視使電影不像過去那樣受歡迎了。 3 stumble upon偶然發(fā)現(xiàn) I stumble upon the rare book in a second-hand bookstore. 我在一家舊書店偶然找到這本珍貴的書。 4personal service個人服務,personalized service個性化服務 5 eidetic memory過目不忘.photographic memory 6for naught徒勞,沒有價值 All their work was for naught. 他們所有的工作都是白做。
生活大爆炸:SO1EO13(4) PMS?
小提示: 聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, 不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要大寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:終于到了正式比賽那一天!撒花! -Penny:So, how do you feel? Nice and loose? Come to play? Got your game face on? Are you ready? -Leonard:Yeah. You know, you don't have to stay
After treating his iPhone's Suri like a girlfriend last season, The Big Bang Theory's Raj (Kunal Nayyar) will finally be getting a real love interest. And costar Kaley Cuoco thinks it would make sense if Raj hooked up with Penny's never-been-seen mom. "I know they're thinking about introducing her, and I've always wanted Lisa Kudrow to play her," Cuoco says. "I imagine her to be a skanky, dirty, trailer trashy cougar, [w=hit]hitting[/w] on the boys. I'd love for her to go after Raj." Showrunner Bill Prady took to Cuoco's pitch right away. "That's not a bad idea," he says. "Raj is a little broken and [w]desperately[/w] wants to be in a relationship with anyone who would have him, and we can assume Penny's mom would be an [w]attractive[/w] woman. She could be the woman to help him put his broken pieces back together." ??在上一季《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)中,拉杰(Raj)待iPhone的語音系統(tǒng)Suri如摯愛女友。而下一季中,他終于要迎來一位真正的戀愛對象啦!卡莉·庫措(Kaley Cuoco)覺得佩妮(Penny)尚未露面的老媽就應當是這位戀愛對象。 庫措說:“我知道他們在考慮引入佩妮媽媽的角色,我一直都希望麗莎·庫卓(Lisa Kudrow 《老友記》菲比)來扮演佩妮的媽媽。在我腦海中,她的媽媽應該是個惹人厭煩,言語挑逗的熟女。我想看到她去調(diào)戲拉杰?!?制片人比爾·普拉迪(Bill Prady)接過話柄說:“這還真不是一個壞主意。如今拉杰既心碎又絕望,他愿意與任何想要和他在一起的人談戀愛。而且我們可以猜到佩妮的媽媽肯定是位迷人的女士。說不定她能夠修補好拉杰破碎的心呢。” ?
生活大爆炸:SO2EO4 印度小子成功記
小提示: 聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, 不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要大寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:Raj也能變閃亮亮,這集的主角哦…… -Leonard: Let's see, Raj was the Kung Pao Chicken. -Penny: I'm the dumplings. -Wolowitz: Yes, you are. -Penny: Creepy, Howard. -Wolowitz: Creepy good
生活大爆炸:SO1EO4(3) 120磅???
天啊,51英里每小時。假設你的剎車是新的,卡鉗也很靈活。你踩剎車的時候,我們會跟前面那輛別克車經(jīng)過相同一段距離。因此我們會在短時間內(nèi)給壓成稀泥,死得很慘...(assume:假設;brake:剎車;caliper:卡鉗;aligned:調(diào)準;Buick:別克,汽車品牌一枚;resolve into:結論是,歸結為;mutilation:切斷,損毀)哇,看,他們在建新的高爾夫球場。(putt:高爾夫球中的輕擊球; course:球場) -Sheldon:真好???span style="color: #fe6016">大看我。我生活在普通人的平凡世界中,過著他們平凡乏味的一天。(colorless:無意思的,無趣味的;workaday:日常的,普通的) -Penny:謝謝。 -Sheldon: 不,我應該謝謝你。也謝謝你,普通人。 (翻譯解析提供:臟乖) 這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
生活大爆炸:SO2EO7(4) 算你狠
小提示: 聽聽宅男們的囧言囧語,填寫對話缺失的部分, 不用帶數(shù)字序號。注意句子開頭要大寫哦 <注意這里>若頁面過長造成聽寫不便,在聽寫框的右上角點擊“彈出答題紙”即可。 如果喜歡TBBT,歡迎把這段歡樂故事推薦給你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~ 背景:Sheldon惹毛了Penny,兩人開始護掐。為幫Penny贏得戰(zhàn)爭,Leonard出了高招…… -Leonard: Hello. Yeah, ___________1_________. I'll get him. Sheldon, it's for you. -Sheldon: Who is it? -Leonard: Your
解決這個問題嗎?或者是我們有沒有必要把它寫進劇本里?...最終我們決定藏起它,不讓這只手出鏡。[/cn] [en]Bialik also countered reports that she had lost a finger in the accident, which happened when another driver made an illegal turn in front of her. "It doesn't look so great, it doesn't feel so great," she admitted. "But all my fingers are there. They all work."[/en][cn]Bialik否認了自己在車禍中失去手指的消息,這場車禍是對方司機的違法違法拐彎造成的。“情況看著不太妙,感覺也的確不太妙,”她承認?!暗俏业乃惺种甘嵌急W×?。它們功能都還完整。[/cn] [en]The Big Bang Theory premieres Thursday, Sept. 27 at 8/7c.[/en][cn]《生活大爆炸》第六季將會在北京時間9月28日首播。[/cn]