| 譯文摘自張培基《英譯中國散文選二》
1,” 初冬的天,灰黯而且低垂,簡直把人壓得吁不出一口氣”譯時分為兩句,It was early winter. The gloomy and low sky made one feel suffocating.簡潔恰當,是翻譯時常用的手法。
2,“把人壓得吁不出一口氣“即”使人感到窒息“,譯為made one feel suffocating
3,“一些明朗“即”少許明朗“故譯為a touch of brightness
4,“但雪后的景象可不堪了“即”但雪后的場景是多么不堪入目“譯為but now what an ugly scene reigned!譯者巧妙地用reign代替it is使得譯文更加生動靈活
5,“極善選擇地向路人脖頸里鉆“意即”靈巧地往路人的脖子里鉆“故譯為adroitly making its way down the necks of the pedestrians by way of their collars.,其中by way of their collars(通過他們的衣領)是增益成分,原文雖無其詞而有其意
綜述:本段又出現(xiàn)了我們熟悉的擬人修辭,譯者用whirl, make its way down,等動詞 以及prankish等形容詞很好地體現(xiàn)了出來~
1,“飛機由一個熟悉的方面飛來了“意為”飛機突然由一個當?shù)鼐用袼煜さ姆较蝻w來了“,故譯為A place appeared out of the blue from a direction only too familiar to the local inhabitants。其中out of the blue,我們在《加德滿都的狗》中見過,意為”突然地“,屬增益成分,原文雖無其詞而有其意。
2,“飛機由一個熟悉的方面飛來了,洪大的震響驚動了當?shù)氐木用瘛K麄兡樕细鳟嬛恍┛植赖幕貞??!啊彼麄儭昂汀本用瘛笆侵睾喜糠?,可用定語從句進行合譯為A plane appeared out of the blue from a direction only too familiar to the local inhabitants, roaring to the alarm of everybody, on whose face was written memories of some previous horrors.
綜述:本段譯文動詞的使用十分精彩,如roar, written,crawl, bury oneself to。。。充分體現(xiàn)了原文生動簡潔的語言風格,值得我們借鑒
1,“那是一只灰色的鐵鳥。對這古城,它不是完全陌生的。“譯為That was a grey iron bird by no means a stranger to ancient city. stranger 很好地體現(xiàn)了原文的修辭手法,兩句合譯也使得譯文緊湊連貫
3,“盤著不能動彈的腿“意即”盤著失去知覺的的腿坐在那里“譯為sitting there with his numbed legs crossed, sitting也是為了文章通順增譯的~
4,“眼睜睜守著這一切“即”無助地看著這一切在他眼前發(fā)生“譯為looked on helplessly in face of what was taking place before him。
綜述:本段依舊要借鑒譯者精準的選詞技巧~比如“臃腫的“在此并不是“肥胖”的意思,而應是“腿腳不靈便”之意,譯者使用clumsy 就很好的體現(xiàn)了古城作為一個“老年人“的姿態(tài),另外還有scout, sweep,sturdy等, 都是可以使文章升級的好詞
1,“城門低暗的洞口正熙熙攘攘地過著商賈路人“譯為The dark low archway of the city gate was thronged with tradesmen and pedestrians passing to and fro,譯者在此采用了和原文一致的無靈主語做主語(好別扭~),不僅貼合了原文也有利于下一句”一個個直愣著呆呆的眼睛“的銜接~
2.“他們也不知道是誰和誰“譯為But they know not the trouble was between who and whom.其中know not 等于did not know,在否定句中省略助動詞do 是古體英語,現(xiàn)仍見于書面語中,有節(jié)約用字,語調(diào)順口的修辭效果
3,“反正腌菜說不上得多備些的“意即”也許得多備些腌菜,以防外一“譯為Maybe they should store up more pickled vegetables just in case,just in case 為增譯成分,原文雖無其詞而有其意
4,“保平安“意即”得到上天的眷顧“譯為so as to get a blessing from heaven on all their folks.
1,“陽光融化了城角的雪,一些殘破的疤痕露出來了“本句兩個分句表面上主語各不相同,但其實第二句的意思為“城角的疤痕露出來了”,因此可以統(tǒng)一主語為“城角”,譯為As the snow began to thaw under the sun, the corners of the city wall revealed scars of war.
2,“面前它又面臨怎樣一份命運,沒有人曉得”很明顯可以合譯為nobody could tell what kind of fate was in store.還可用await譯為what kind of fate was awaiting it.
3,” 那是極好的晴雨表”譯為A perfect barometer it was indeed…譯者采用倒裝的句型,加強語氣~
The ancient city, like a clumsy old man bending low and gasping feebly, continued to watch over the group of innocent kids around him, his eyes brimming with tears.
1, 本句為多動詞句,“守著”為主要動詞,但本句表狀態(tài)的詞有三個“低頭”“喘息”“噙著淚”譯者將前兩個譯為現(xiàn)在分詞表伴隨,第三個譯為獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)