丁曉鐘:全國著名四六級輔導專家,恩波特聘優(yōu)秀核心教師,六級輔導實力派領軍人物,“閱讀超精讀”和“詞匯超鏈接”學習理念的創(chuàng)始人。全國唯一在同一城市招生超過兩千人的六級老師,被業(yè)界人士驚呼為“奇跡”、“不可能完成的任務”。其編著的多本六級輔導書均進入暢銷書行列。親自擔任恩波網站的主力輔導老師,? 使不能參加丁老師輔導班的同學同樣能接受丁老師的指導。
Abrupt / blunt
Authorize / license / tolerate / suffer // 反 ban / prohibit / disqualify / boycott
Bald / bare / naked / exposed
Vanish / extinct / thrive / flourish /
Plausible / credible /
Compute / figure / derive / reckon
Metropolitan / urban / suburban / rural
Veil / crust / film
Assemble / fuse / blend / merge
Undermine / boost / impetus /
Collide with / bump into / crash into / crush / clash / rash / lash / smash / flash
Condemn / lash /
Ponder / pore / brood / contemplate / deliberate /
Incentive / motivation / stimulus
Foster / cultivate /
Obscure / blur /
Obscene / nasty / disgusting / gross / shameless // decent / graceful / gracious
Gamble / speculate / venture
Offset / balance / counterbalance / counteract /
Distort / bend / twist
Cluster / bunch / assemble /
oil reserves 石油儲備
mechanized corps 機械化部隊
cluster bomb 集束炸彈
weapons of mass destruction 大規(guī)模殺傷性武器
to impose / enforce ( economic sanctions ) 實施(經濟制裁)
foreign funded or domestically funded firm 外國或國內投資企業(yè)
condemn: reproach / despise / blame / criticize / sb. for sth. 用法一樣
allocate / designate ( time / money / resources ) for
elaborate / enlarge / expand on / upon
probe : inquire / look / research / dig into
differentiate : distinguish / discriminate between
culminate : begin / end in
immerse: immerse oneself in / bury / lose / submerge oneself in
preside (以下動詞內涵一致,后面都跟over ) : reign / triumph / prevail
surge / flash through
permeate / filter / sweep / run
1. defy / verify / certify / rectify / justify / magnify / amplify / simplify / specify / modify / qualify / simplify / clarify / terrify/ classify / identify
2. mend / amend / recommend / commend / command
3. cooperation / corporation
4. commemorate / memorize / in honor of / in memory of
5. agitate / clap / slap / fluctuate
6. compensate / supplement
7. capacity / capability / ability / faculty
8. deliberate / desperate / delicate
9. conscious / conscientious
10. exceedingly / excessively
11. reliance / trust / belief / confidence
12. vigorous / rigorous
13. sensitive / sensible
14. flash/ crash / crush / clash / smash
15. jeopardize / terminate / resume relations
16. inspire / expire
17. literal / liberal / literary
18. homogeneous / simultaneous / instantaneous / spontaneous / harmonious
19. competitive / competent
20. extinct / distinct / instinct
21. deduce / seduce / induce
22. perspective / prospective / respective
23. surplus / deficit / defect / sufficient
24. respective / respectable / respectful / respected
25. strain / stain / restrain / constrain / refrain
26. evoke / provoke / irritate / invoke / poke
27. open / cease / resume fire / ignite
28. hostility / futility / hospitality / absurdity / commodity
29. superiority / inferiority / priority
30. commerce / commence
31. stationery / stationary
32. compliment / complement
33. apprehension / comprehension
34. access / assess / inaccessible to
35. spark / trigger / give rise to
36. negligible / negligent
37. tackle / address / cope with / deal with
38. stability / capability
39. coincide / collide / crash
40. prescribe / describe / inscribe / subscribe / script / manuscript
41. ascend / transcend / descend
1. anonymous
“we are responsible for the plane crash,” said an official, asking to remain anonymous. “我們對飛機墜毀負有責任,”一位不愿透露姓名的官員說。
despite hongkong’s current economic crisis, the longer-term outlook was far from bleak. 盡管香港現(xiàn)在存在經濟危機,但是長期的前景絕非暗淡。
asia is the world’s most polluted and environmentally degraded region. 亞洲是世界上污染最嚴重,環(huán)境退化最厲害的地區(qū)。
death does not discriminate; it comes to everyone. 死亡對人一視同仁,人人都難免一死。
the united nations security adopted a new resolution on may 22, lifting sanctions imposed on iraq 13 years ago after its invasion of kuwait. 聯(lián)合國安理會5月22日通過一項新決議,解除了13年前伊拉克入侵科威特后對伊實施的制裁。
the dallas mavericks made wang zhizhi its second-round pick of the 1999 draft, paving the way for him to become the first asian player in nba history. 達拉斯小牛隊在1999年第二輪選秀時選中了王治郅,為他成為nba歷史上第一位亞洲球員鋪平了道路。
the jobless rate, now 6.2 percent, will peak at 8.5 percent next month. 目前為5.8%的失業(yè)率到明年將高達8.5%。
oklahoma resumed capital punishment in 1990. 俄克拉荷馬州在1990年恢復了死刑。
one could speculate that in the 21st century, internet is another pathogen exporting western values. 我們可以推測,到21世紀,因特網將是另一個出口西方價值觀的病原體。
21st-century’s strides in genetic medicine may let us control and even reverse the aging process. 21世紀遺傳醫(yī)學的巨大成就可能使我們控制,甚至扭轉衰老的過程。
terrorist activities in the middle east surged in the middle ten days of may, arousing strong denunciation and great concern of the international community. 5月中旬,中東的恐怖主義活動激增,引起國際社會的強烈譴責和極大關注。
the panic generated by sars will weaken our immune system which will make us more susceptible to this dreaded disease. 因sars而產生的恐懼會削弱我們的免疫系統(tǒng),從而使我們更容易感染這種可怕的疾病。