2010-04-08 16:49
Now to one of the latest efforts to jump-start the economy. It's like the government's cash for clunkers' program. But this one is for things like refrigerators and washing machines aimed at getting consumers to buy more energy efficient appliances. But as NBC's Tom Cadaver reports, there are questions about whether the program will work.
Bargain hunting in New York City
"So is it fitting in your spot in your kitchen?"
"Yes, the height is OK."
Well, the C's family is looking for a new refrigerator, drown into a home depot by the government's $300 million cash for appliances’ program. Buy a new fridge, washing machine or dish washer with an energy star logo. And you could get a rebate of $50 to $250. "It gives me the incentive to come in today to buy the refrigerator that we kind of needed. Because our refrigerator is 15 years old."
Because of the program varies from state to state. Consumers should check when their state's program begins and which appliances are included. Some offer deeper discounts for buying several appliances. Some offer cash for recycling old appliances.
"The government estimates that up to 30% of American home's energy use comes from appliances. And energy star appliances can cut that electricity use by up to 30%."
The government is borrowing the page from last year's $3 billion cash for clunkers’ program. While rebates of up to $4500 helped boost car sales. 690,000 new vehicles were sold, giving the economy a shot in the arm. But critics argue both programs are waste of money, providing just a short-term economic pump.
It doesn't help the economy in the long-term. What helps economy in the long-term is for consumers, household people to get their consumption up and keep it up. But already consumers are smelling deals.
"We have a lot of people coming in, mainly because there is a date and end date to this." The end date is when each day's money runs out.
為了在當前經(jīng)濟低迷時期,降低能源消耗,紐約州政府將推出“能源之星(Energy Star)”計劃,紐約州居民凡是在2月12日至2月21日購買帶有“能源之星”標志的家用電器,可以獲得價值不等的現(xiàn)金回扣。
根據(jù)該計劃,消費者購買冰箱將有資格獲得75元的回扣,洗衣機獲75元回扣,冷藏箱回扣50元。洗碗機、冰箱和洗衣機作為一個整體購買可以得到的回扣金額為500元。更大的回扣提供給有等待回收的廢舊家電和可以出示回收證明的消費者:其中冰箱105元,洗衣機100元,冰箱75元,洗碗機、冰箱和洗衣機作為一個整體 550元。
據(jù)了解,能源之星(Energy Star)是美國政府上世紀90年代推出的節(jié)能標示體系,是美國能源部、環(huán)保部門、生產(chǎn)商、零售商、消費者和地方政府在全國形成一種共識,已成為一種節(jié)能環(huán)保標志。美國能源開發(fā)署調(diào)查顯示,43%的消費者在選擇商品時他們會選擇能源之星。能源之星認證產(chǎn)品覆蓋了美國3400多種產(chǎn)品,其中最常見的包括緊湊型自整流熒光燈(CFL)戶內(nèi)及戶外固定式燈具(RLF)。