美國新娘婚禮前墓地探亡父 跪地痛哭照令人動容
2022-11-27 16:19
A photo of a bride at a gravesite that perfectly captures the dichotomy of grief and joy has triggered an outpouring of online emotion, touching a soft spot with hundreds of thousands of viewers and stunning the Michigan–based photographer behind the image.
In the photo, bride Paige Eding of Zeeland, Michigan is seen pressing her forehead against her father’s tombstone and clutching a bouquet of flowers, her white gown billowing behind her.
“I just wanted to take that moment before the wedding so I could be with him and he could be with me on my special day,” Eding, 23, said. Though her family and her husband-to-be’s family had accompanied her to the cemetery, she added, “Everybody just stepped back and let me do my thing.” She had no idea that Wieringa had photographed her at the grave but wound up being thrilled about it.
“在婚禮前我只想抓住一點時間,可以和父親在一起,好讓他在這樣特殊的日子陪在我身邊,” 23歲的埃德說。盡管她的家人和未來丈夫的家人當(dāng)時都和她一起在墓地,“但他們只是往后退,讓我做我想做的事。” 她接著說道。 她并不知道攝影師維林加給她拍了照片,但看到照片還是很激動。
“I was so happy she had gotten it,” Eding said. “Once I saw the photo, I thought I am so blessed, because I’ll have it forever and I’ll always have that moment.” Eding’s father died suddenly in December 2011 of a lung infection, at the age of 45. In his absence, the bride’s grandfather walked her down the aisle on her wedding day.
“我真高興她抓到了這一幕,” 埃德說?!拔乙豢吹秸掌X得自己好幸運,因為自己可以永遠擁有它,永遠擁有這一刻?!?埃德的父親在2011年12月突然死于肺部感染,享年45歲。由于他的缺席,是由新娘的祖父牽著她的手走過教堂通道的。
“As much as it was a sad moment, and as much as I was longing for him to be there,” she added about the instant that Wieringa captured, “it was joyous, as well. I believe he was there with me by my side the entire day.”
“雖然那是一個非常悲傷的時刻,因為我多么渴望他能出現(xiàn)在這里,” 她對維林加抓拍的瞬間補充道,“但這張照片還是帶給我歡樂,我相信他一整天都陪在我身邊?!?/div>
Wieringa, a 28-year-old mother of three who started her photo business four years ago, posted the photo on Facebook after getting permission from the bride. With that post, she wrote, “I had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful wedding last weekend. Before any photos were to begin she wanted to make a stop to the cemetery to visit her dad who had passed away. I'm not much of a crier for those of you who know me, but when she hit her knees, tears streamed down my face. ”
The photographer, whose mother died when she was 7, said she understood Eding’s wanting to remember her father at such an important moment in her life. “It’s easy to stuff that pain, and I commend her for not doing that,” she said.
維林加的媽媽在她7歲時就去世了,她說她可以理解埃德,理解她想在她生命中如此重要的一天銘記父親的心情?!斑@很容易勾起傷 心事,我勸她不要那么做,” 她說。
People on Facebook shared their own stories of loss and commended the bride for her brave idea. “We have all lost loved ones and a wedding never seems complete without them,” wrote one commenter. Another posted, “Such a powerful photo. Everyone thinks of those who have passed on such a wonderful, important day as your wedding.”
在臉書上人們分享也自己失去親人的故事,并贊賞新娘勇敢的舉動?!拔覀兌际ミ^至愛的人,沒有了他們,婚禮不會完整,” 一位用戶寫道。另一位評論者說,“這張照片如此震撼。每個人都會在想婚禮這樣幸福重要的一天想起那些已經(jīng)不在了的人們?!?/div>
One Facebook commenter admitted she wished she had thought to do the same on her wedding day. “This is one special young woman to have allowed this very intimate moment to be shared...... it has obviously touched many people!”
On her blog Wieringa wrapped up the experience this way: “I know this image was meant for something bigger than I can even try to imagine. So my prayer through this unforeseeable event is that many lives have been touched. Or will be.”
《神奇動物在哪里》的全部15種神奇動物! 2022-12-28萬眾期待的《神奇動物在哪里》終于在上個周末上映了!提前一周搶票居然差點沒搶到! 哈迷們應(yīng)該都知道,這部電影來源于HP原作里的同名課本。其實羅琳推出過那個課本的實體版,而且有中文版,不過可惜好多年
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