2011-08-16 08:00
Math Learning Disability as Common as Dyslexia
The quadratic equation may have instilled horror in many of us. But for some 5 to 7 percent of the population even basic math—like the concept of the numbers 5 and 7—causes anxiety. You may never have heard of the disorder called dyscalculia, yet it’s as common as dyslexia, according to research in the journal Science.
Dyscalculia means “counting badly” which is ironic since those who suffer from it need to count often. Here’s what I mean: They can only tell that a playing card is a number eight by counting the number of objects on the card. If asked to count down from 10 they count up from 1 to 10, then 1 to 9, then 1 to 8, etcetera. Paying with cash is a nightmare. Estimates are hard, too. Asked the height of a room, they might guess 200 feet.
計算失能即不會數(shù)數(shù),很悲劇的是,患有計算失能癥的人卻無法逃離反復數(shù)數(shù)的命運。因為他們只能通過數(shù)牌面上有幾個標記來判斷這張牌代表數(shù)字幾。假如要他們從 10開始倒數(shù),他們先要從1數(shù)到10,再從1數(shù)到9,再從1數(shù)到8……要他們付錢簡直就是要他們的命。此外,估算對他們來說也是難事一件。要問他們一間房 有多高,他們估算出來會有200英尺那么高。
According to researchers dyscalculia is inherited, and specific abnormalities in the brain might be a cause. Despite their challenge, many become proficient at geometry, stats and computer programming. With the right teaching—that focuses for example on using beads to improve the processing of numbers—they can count themselves among the math literate.