- [哇!滬江] 滬江網(wǎng)校CC貓:金牛座輸入法和桌面齊送到!
金牛座,Taurus (4月20日-5月20日),守護星是金星,Venus,為土象星座:Earth Signs。金牛的形象來源于宙斯,他曾化身一頭巨牛,引誘腓尼基的公主歐羅巴(Europa)。
- [未分類小類] 一周星座雙語運程(3.9~3.15)
白羊座 3.21-4.19 Your week starts out with you in more of a financial or material mode... This is when your insight, judgement & intuition will b...
- [未分類小類] 金牛座一周雙語星座運程(3.2-3.8)
金牛座 4.20-5.20 The first couple days of this week will make you ultra sensitive to the "vibes" others are sending out... It''s very likely you''ll ...
- [未分類小類] 金牛座一周雙語星座運程(2.23-3.1)
金牛座 4.20-5.20 This energy will try to pull you in many different directions... It''s very important for you to understand that as long as you main...
- [未分類小類] 金牛座一周星座運程(2.16-2.22)
金牛座 4.20-5.20 Your week is trying to move you forward... It''s intentions are for you to put more of your ideas into motion & to free yourself...
- [未分類小類] 金牛座一周星座運程(2.9-2.15)
金牛座 4.20-5.20 The planets are arranged in a way that causes your professional & social life to capture the attention of others. You''ll find s...
- [未分類小類] 金牛座一周星座運程(2.2-2.8)
There might have been a few bumps & rough spots lately, but your chart is now getting back in sync & you''ll find a lot more growth & opp...
- [未分類小類] 星座運程-金牛座
- [未分類小類] 十二星座12月運程:金牛座
Power and PleasureDecember begins well and ends on an even higher note, yet you may run into conflict toward the middle of the month with lingering int...