- [英語聽力] 草場“輪休”(1)
草場“輪休”Hints: 無Grasslands need time to rest when cattle and other animals feed on them. Moving animals from one area of pasture to another can provide the time needed for new growth. This i...
- [英語聽力] 氣溫下降時作物和樹木的保暖(2)
降溫也要給樹木保暖Hints:University of Arizona Extension University of California FloridaJim BottcherUniversity of Florida Extension Cold weather is most likely to damage or kill plants that do no...
- [英語聽力] 降溫時保持花草樹木暖和(1)
氣溫下降時作物和樹木的保暖Hints:Floridathe Sunshine StateBrazilArctic Air Florida, in the southeastern United States, is called the Sunshine State. It grows more oranges than anyplace except Bra...
- [英語閱讀] 今晚新年夜 月亮變藍(lán)色!?
- [英語聽力] 氣候變化的妥協(xié)(2)
氣候變化的妥協(xié)(2) Hints: Copenhagen India's environment minister praised the united position taken by India, China, Brazil and South Africa. He said it permitted them to avoid the legally bindi...
- [英語聽力] 氣候變化的妥協(xié)(1)
氣候變化的妥協(xié) Hints: Copenhagen Denmark the United States China India Brazil South Africa Obama carbon dioxide degrees Celsius Almost 200 countries met for two weeks at a United Nations confere...
- [英語聽力] 亞非非法捕殺犀牛行為增加(2)
亞非非法捕殺犀牛行為增加。 Hints: South Africa rhino Asia India Nepal CITES Wild Fauna and Flora Doha Qatar The report says poaching and illegal horn trade has increased in South Africa even wit...
- [英語聽力] 在非洲亞洲,非法屠殺犀牛的數(shù)量增加(1)
亞非地區(qū)非法偷獵犀?;顒尤找娌薄?Hints: Vietnam the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Traffic ZimbabweA new report says the illegal killing of rhinos for their horns is incre...
- [英語聽力] 鯉魚過多成問題,美國官員找對策(2)
鯉魚過多成問題,美國官員找對策。 Hints: the Great Lakes Michigan Mississippi Midwest Utah Provo June sucker The barrier, however, may not be enough to protect the Great Lakes. There are calls in...
- [英語聽力] 鯉魚過多成問題,美國官員找對策(1)
美國官方尋找鯉魚問題的解決辦法。 Hints: Mississippi Great Lakes Michigan Army Corps of Engineers Chicago Sanitary Ship Canal Last week our subject was illegal fishing. Now we report on 2 case...