- [英語閱讀] 美國發(fā)現3個新地球!全都在水瓶座!
- [未分類小類] 一周星座雙語運程(3.9~3.15)
白羊座 3.21-4.19 Your week starts out with you in more of a financial or material mode... This is when your insight, judgement & intuition will b...
- [未分類小類] 水瓶座一周雙語星座運程(3.2-3.8)
水瓶座 1.20-2.18 The first part of the week is intended to be light & refreshing... This is the perfect time to get out & about... To laugh &...
- [未分類小類] 水瓶座一周雙語星座運程(2.23-3.1)
水瓶座 1.20-2.18 Your chart indicates there can be moments of "sensory overload"... This is when your mind just cannot handle any additional thoughts...
- [未分類小類] 水瓶座一周星座運程(2.16-2.22)
水瓶座 1.20-2.18 This week the chart energy is bringing you additional light to the financial areas of your life. This is when you need to pay extrem...
- [未分類小類] 星座運程-水瓶座
- [未分類小類] 十二星座12月運程:水瓶座
Romance and RebellionRomance is in the air now, but not without its complications. Venus enters Aquarius on December 7, increasing your sense of self-w...