• [英語閱讀] 關(guān)于家庭的英語名人名言


    2012-02-02 17:53
  • [英語閱讀] 關(guān)于目標(biāo)的英語名人名言


    2012-01-30 18:00
  • [英語閱讀] 英語格言警句 Experience (E20)

    Never walk away from failure. On the contrary, study it carefully and imaginatively for its hidden assets. - Michael Korda The person who has had a bull by the tail once has learned 60 or 70 times a…...

    2010-12-28 20:54
  • [英語閱讀] 英語格言警句 Music (M18)

    I don't think you get to good writing unless you expose yourself and your feelings. Deep songs don't come from the surface; they come from the deep down. The poetry and the songs that you are suppose …...

    2010-12-27 20:51
  • [英語閱讀] 英語格言警句 Attitude (A14)

    The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we ar…...

    2010-12-27 19:51
  • [英語閱讀] 英語格言警句 Logic (L12)

    Reason itself is fallible, and this fallibility must find a place in our logic. - Nicola Abbagnano Intuition is the supra-logic that cuts out all the routine processes of thought and leaps straight …...

    2010-12-26 20:50
  • [英語閱讀] 英語格言警句 Nature (N2)

    Let religion be to us the wonder and lure of that which is only partly known and understood: An eye that glories in nature's majesty and beauty, and a heart that rejoices in deeds of kindness and o…...

    2010-12-25 20:47
  • [英語閱讀] 英語格言警句 Generosity (G2)

    Pure love is a willingness to give without a thought of receiving anything in return. - Peace Pilgrim It is not the gift, but the thought that counts. - Henry Van Dyke Even after all this time, T…...

    2010-12-24 20:45
  • [英語閱讀] 英語格言警句 Teamwork (T3)

    One man may hit the mark, another blunder; but heed not these distinctions. Only from the alliance of the one, working with and through the other, are great things born. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery T…...

    2010-12-20 20:37
  • [英語閱讀] 英語格言警句 Risk (R13)

    Life is "trying things to see if they work." - Ray Bradbury The person who has had a bull by the tail once has learned 60 or 70 times as much as a person who hasn't. - Mark Twain The important thi…...

    2010-12-19 20:35