【呼叫助產(chǎn)士】S01E06我們彼此爭執(zhí),心情沮喪, Nonnatus House不再像以往那樣。
2015-08-18 21:00
劇情:旁白:Sister Monica Joan被指控偷竊后,整個Nonnatus House都陷入了低氣壓當(dāng)中。
Hint:?1、Nonnatus House;?2、采用英式拼寫。
The case was referred to the London Quarter Sessions. We hoped against hope that the thefts were so small. The case would be thrown out of court. The suspect wondered at will. The focus of her mind seemed to ripple and shift to change as unpredictably as weather. But we were all at odds out of sorts and suffering, and nothing was as it ought to be at Nonnatus House.
案件移交倫敦地方法院。 我們都希望她偷的只是些小東西,能夠洗脫罪名。嫌疑仍在。她的精神似乎也時好時壞,像這天氣一樣,無法預(yù)測。我們彼此爭執(zhí),心情沮喪, Nonnatus House不再像以往那樣。