Sister Monica Joan半夜穿著睡衣跑出去,被警察帶回,下面是Doctor Turner與Sister Bernadette就此事的對話。
Sister Monica Joan; Mother Jesu Emmanuel
How did she get out dressed like that?
We love Sister Monica Joan, Doctor, and we do the best we can for her, but it wouldn't be right to lock her in her room. Besides, the truth is, we don't know whether she has dementia or whether she's just wilfully eccentric.
I understand. There are more medical treatises written about senile decay than you can shake a stick at. But I keep to one invariable diagnostic rule. If they're brought back by a policeman in their nightie, then they've got it. For now, the pneumonia is the real concern.
The old people's friend.
If they are ready to go, it takes them gently. We could try penicillin, but if she has any family, I think they should be sent for.
She's been estranged from her family since she took her vows. The head of our order, Mother Jesu Emmanuel, is really her next of kin. I will call her at once.
我們都很喜歡Monica Joan修女,也盡力照顧她,但總不能把她鎖在房里吧。問題是,我們不知道這是老年癡呆,還是只是行事怪異。
修道院院長,Jesu Emmanuel修女算是她的親人了。我馬上給她打電話。