Why? The traditional answer is discrimination. The Pew report said prejudice still played some part, although it was hard to quantify. There are, no doubt, still nomination committees that secretly believe women cannot hack it, just as there must be some top executives who are still quietly racist and homophobic.
But that cannot be the whole answer. Attitudes have shifted. Can employers really be that much more sexist than university admission officers?
The UK inequality study contains a telling detail. There is still a significant pay gap between men and women – 21 per cent – but for women in their 20s, the difference is only 6-7 per cent.
Why does the gap then grow? Because of the pram in the hall. “While it is not the only factor, women's pay relative to men's declines not just at the moment of first becoming a mother, but through most of the first child's childhood,” the report said. Mothers work less and stay away from the long-hours tasks that win promotion.
There have been attempts to keep mothers' careers on track. The UK government announced last week that it planned to allow mothers to transfer the last six months of their maternity leave to the father, with three months of that paid.
Allen & Overy said recently that partners would be allowed to work four-day weeks and take longer holidays, following other leading London law firms such as Freshfields and Linklaters.
But there must be some doubt how effective these initiatives will be. The UK government has assured businesses that it expects fewer than 6 per cent of new fathers to take advantage of the additional paternity leave.
While the lawyers' initiatives are, no doubt, sincerely meant, Louise Ashley and Janet Gaymer of Cass Business School, who have researched the impact, say the cultures of top firms do not easily lend themselves to flexible working. Clients demand instant answers and all-night sessions. One female lawyer told Ms Ashley: “The women I see who are cracking it as a partner have made that their whole lives.”
This is the crux of it: no one, male or female, gets to the top of anything without neglecting friends and family. It is as true of reaching the chief executive suite as it is of winning an Olympic gold medal.
That does not mean nothing should change. Working lives no longer finish at 50, or even 60. By the time children have grown up, those highly-educated mothers still have a good few decades in them. Where are the companies smart enough to spot the opportunity?
