以下所列為專四高頻詞匯的解析,僅供參考。所謂功夫不負有心人,相信大家通過努力,一定會順利攻破專四這道難關(guān)的。為了方便大家瀏覽,特提供專四詞匯表的word版,下載請到:http:// m.crystal-lamp.com/down/12367/
America? n.美利堅合眾國,美洲
Africa n.非洲(略為Afr.)
Canada? n. 加拿大
propaganda? n.①ideas, false or true information, etc. spread about officially, esp. by a government宣傳,傳播 ②organs for propaganda宣傳機構(gòu)
panda n. a large bearlike animal with black and white fur, originally from China 大熊貓
agenda n. things to be done; business to be discussed at a meeting (會議)議程,日程,待議事項
詞根ag意思為"做"(do, act),-end是名詞后綴,-a表示復數(shù).ag做+-end名詞后綴+-a復數(shù)→agenda→things to be done待做的事項→會議上待議的事項→議事日程.-a表示復數(shù)以-a????????? 結(jié)尾的詞:phenomena現(xiàn)象(復數(shù))→phenomenon現(xiàn)象(單數(shù));data資料(復數(shù))→datumn資料(單數(shù))
【典型例句】 Now, let's come to item No.5 on the agenda. 現(xiàn)在讓我們討論議事日程上的第五項.
soda? n.①chemical substance in common use, a compound of sodium蘇打 ②sodawater蘇打水,汽水
idea n. a plan, thought, or suggestion for a possible course of action計劃,主意,念頭
【典型例句】Somebody had the bright idea? of recording the meeting. 有人想出了為會議錄音的好主意.
【常用詞組】 have no idea不知道,無能為力/not one's
idea of 對…無想法/put ideas in someone's head使某人存奢望.
plea? n. ①an eager or serious request懇求,請求 ②an excuse辯解,托詞
【典型例句】 Their plea? of national poverty rings a little hollow.他們關(guān)于國家貧困的托辭聽上去有些空洞.
【常用詞組】 cop a plea承認有罪以求輕判
pea? n.. a round green seed, used for food豌豆
【常用詞組】 as like as two peas一模一樣
area?? n. ①surface measure, extent of surface面積? ②part of the earth's surface; region地區(qū),地域
sea n. expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and encloses its continents
and islands; any part of this海,洋
【常用詞組】 by sea乘船,由海路 / on the sea在海邊,臨海 / at sea在海上,茫然,迷惑 / a sea of
一大片,大量的 / follow the sea當海員,做水手
nausea n. feeling of sickness (esp as caused by bad food) or disgust; seasickness作嘔,惡心,暈船
tea n. ①evergreen shrub grown in China, India, etc.茶葉 ②drink made by pouring boiling water o
n these leaves茶 ③a small meal, usu. served in the afternoon with a cup of tea午后茶點
與tea有關(guān)的詞:tea green茶綠色;teakettle茶壺;teastrainer濾茶器;tea tray茶盤;teaspoon茶匙
sofa n. large comfortable padded seat with raised arms and back, wide enough for two or more people沙發(fā)
encyclopadia/encyclopedia n. book, or set of books, giving information about every branch of knowledge or on subject, with articles in ABC order.百科全書
India? n. the country of Indian印度
Australia? n.澳大利亞,大洋洲
Oceania n. the islands of the central and south Pacific, including Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia, and some times Australasia and the Malay Archipelago大洋洲
pneumonia n. a serious disease of the lungs with inflammation and difficulty in breathing肺炎
malaria?? n. kinds of fever conveyed by mosquitoes ; which introduce the germs into the blood瘧疾
構(gòu)詞有法,擴散記憶! 派生詞: malarial = malarian adj.瘧疾的,患瘧疾的;
malariology n.瘧疾學;malariologistn.瘧疾學家,構(gòu)詞法:-logy是后綴,意思為 process of study (研究過程).連接元音o連接詞與詞根,及詞根與后綴.這類構(gòu)詞方式在英語詞匯中很多,考生可以通過對其結(jié)構(gòu)的分析而達到理解其含義的目的.如:gastroenterology胃腸(病)學;biology生物學;physiology生物學
cafeteria n. restaurant at which customers collect their meals on trays at counters and carry them to tables? 自助餐館
同類聯(lián)想,擴散記憶!?? canteen,cafe, restaurant , eating-house,? refectory , snack bar
【典型例句】 A??? cafeteria??? is a restaurant , at which customers collect their food on trays at counters and carry them to tables . cafeteria是顧客自己從柜臺拿菜飯至餐桌食用的餐館.
【常用詞組】 a cafeteria question? 自選問答題
【詞義辨析】 canteen 尤指工廠、辦公室、軍營里的小賣部;dining-hall (吃飯用的)餐廳;pub (俗)酒館
Asia n.亞洲
Russia n. 俄羅斯,俄國
gorillan. a very large African monkey that is the largest of the manlike monkey大猩猩
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