1月25日: 法國舉辦第一屆冬奧會(視頻)
This Day in History - January 25
On January 25, 1924 -
On January 25, 1924 - Winter sports take off in style(in 1924) as the first Winter Olympiad is staged in Chamonix, France.
The ski jump, previously almost unknown,?thrills spectators?along with 15 other events involving 8 sports. Sixteen nations are represented by 280 men and 13 women. The Winter Olympics offer a particular boost to skiing, a sport that would make enormous strides within the next decade.
Scandinavians?dominate the skiing, as Thorleif Hauge wins 3 gold medals for Norway. Until now, winter sports were mostly reserved for the leisure time of the extremely well-to-do. But the excitement at Chamonix, much of it?conveyed through movie film, has given a grand new outlook to fun and games on snow and ice.
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