作者:Daniel Falconer
2016-12-02 09:45
Kurt Sutter managed to keep a steady fan base throughout the entire seven-season run of Sons of Anarchy, with the show even becoming the highest-rated drama on FX. Since the series came to an end, fans have been wondering whether or not SAMCRO would make a comeback in some form or another. Now, we finally know exactly what Sutter will be returning to the small screen with.
Kurt Sutter讓《混亂之子》整整七季粉絲絲毫不減,這部劇更是成為FX收視率最高的電視劇。在本劇季終時候,粉絲都非常期待SAMCRO是否會讓本劇以其他形式回歸。終于,我們等到了確切答案,Sutter將編劇《混亂之子》的衍生劇《瑪雅幫》。
The news was announced in an official press release from FX that also provided a brief outline of what fans can expect, and when the series will take place. According to the release:“Mayans MC is set in a post Jax Teller world, where EZ Reyes, a prospect in the Mayan MC charter on the Cali/Mexi border, struggles with his desire for vengeance against the cartel, and his need for respect from the women he loves.”