2016-11-29 10:49
No. 1 第一張照片
It took a unique combination of ingenuity and curiosity to produce the first known photograph, so it’s fitting that the man who made it was an inventor and not an artist.
It is no overstatement to say that Niépce’s achievement laid the groundwork for the development of photography.
No. 2 披頭士的枕頭大戰(zhàn)
Harry Benson didn’t want to meet the Beatles. The photographer had plans to cover a news story in Africa when he was assigned to photograph the musicians in Paris.
“I took myself for a serious journalist and I didn’t want to cover a rock ’n’ roll story,” he scoffed.
But once he met the boys and heard them play, Benson had no desire to leave. “I thought, ‘God, I’m on the right story.’ ”
No. 3 創(chuàng)世之柱
On April 1, 1995, the Hubble Space Telescope delivered the goods, capturing an image of the universe so clear and deep that it has come to be known as Pillars of Creation.
No. 4 地球緩緩升起
It’s never easy to identify the moment a hinge turns in history. When it comes to humanity’s first true grasp of the beauty, fragility and loneliness of our world, however, we know the precise instant.
It was on December 24, 1968, exactly 75 hours, 48 minutes and 41 seconds after the Apollo 8 spacecraft lifted off from Cape to becoming the first manned mission to orbit the moon.
No. 5 牛奶王冠
Before Harold Edgerton, it was futile to try to photograph a fleeting moment.
But in the 1950s at his lab at MIT, Edgerton started tinkering with a process that would change the future of photography.
No. 6 喬丹
It may be the most famous silhouette ever photographed.
Jacobus “Co” Rentmeester captured the basketball star soaring through the air for a dunk, legs split like a ballet dancer’s and left arm stretched to the stars.
No. 7 會(huì)動(dòng)的馬
When a horse trots or gallops, does it ever become fully airborne? This was the question photographer Eadweard Muybridge set out to answer in 1878.
These 12 photos revealed that a horse is completely aloft with its hooves tucked underneath it for a brief moment during a stride.
The revelation marked a new purpose for the medium. It could capture truth through technology.
No. 8 黛米·摩爾
The Hollywood star Demi Moore was seven months pregnant with her second child when she graced the cover of Vanity Fair in nothing but her birthday suit.
It was unprecedented for a mainstream media outlet.
No. 9 月亮上的人
Buzz Aldrin never cared for being the second man on the moon.
He earned a different kind of immortality.
Since it was Armstrong who was carrying the crew’s 70-millimeter Hasselblad, he took all of the pictures—meaning the only moon man earthlings would see clearly would be the one who took the second steps.
No. 10 毛主席在長(zhǎng)江游泳
After decades leading the Chinese Communist Party and then his nation, Mao Zedong began to worry about how he would be remembered.
The 72-year-old Chairman feared too that his legacy would be under-mined by the stirrings of a counterrevolution.
And so in July 1966, with an eye toward securing his grip on power, Mao took a dip in the Yangtze River to show the world that he was still in robust health.
No. 11 奧斯卡獎(jiǎng)自拍
In the middle of the 2014 Oscars, host Ellen DeGeneres waded into the crowd and corralled some of the world’s biggest stars to squeeze in for a selfie.
But it was what DeGeneres did next that turned a bit of Hollywood levity into a transformational image.
De-Generes immediately posted it on Twitter, where it was retweeted over 3 million times, more than any other photo in history.
No. 12 諾曼底登陸
It was the invasion to save civilization, and LIFE’s Robert Capa was there, the only still photographer to wade with the 34,250 troops onto Omaha Beach during the D-Day landing.
The soldier in the photo later recalled thinking, “What the hell is this guy doing here? I can’t believe it. Here’s a cameraman on the shore.”
No. 13 伊拉克哨所的女孩
Moments before American photojournalist Chris Hondros took this picture of Samar Hassan, the little girl was in the backseat of her family’s car as they drove home.
Now Samar was an orphan, her parents shot dead by U.S. soldiers who had opened fire because they feared the car might be carrying insurgents or a suicide bomber.
No. 14 墜落中的人
The most widely seen images from 9/11 are of planes and towers, not people. Falling Man is different.
Falling Man is one of the only widely seen pictures that shows someone dying.
Falling Man’s identity is still unknown, but he is believed to have been an employee at the Windows on the World restaurant, which sat atop the north tower.
No. 15 擊殺本·拉登
On May 1, 2011, Pete Souza was inside the Situation Room as U.S. forces raided Osama bin Laden’s Pakistan compound and killed the terrorist leader.
Yet Souza’s picture includes neither the raid nor bin Laden. Instead he captured those watching the secret operation in real time.