Bert's Thanksgiving Short Stories Part 4

"Well, Bert," said the old man, "I'm glad to make your acquaintance, and I hope you'll come and see me. You'll find me in very humble quarters. Now won't you let me pay for my dinner? I believe I have enough money. Let me see." And he put his hand in his pocket.“

Bert would not hear of such a thing; but walked up to the desk, and paid the whole bill.

When he looked around again, the little old man was gone.

"I'll go and see him the first chance I have," said Bert, as he looked at the penciled strip of newspaper margin again before putting it into his pocket.

On the following Monday, Bert went to call on his new friend in Devonshire Street. Having climbed the two flights, he found the door of the back room at the right ajar, and, looking in, saw Mr. Crooker at a desk, in the act of receiving a roll of money from a well-dressed visitor. Bert entered unnoticed, and waited till the money was counted and a receipt signed. Then, as the visitor departed, Mr. Crooker noticed the boy, offered him a chair, and then turned to place the money in the safe.
