1. 主持人請出授位院長
Ladies and gentlemen, the Vice-Chancellor, Derek McCormack.
2. 授位院長授予學位
For a Chancellor, it is my pleasure to present the following graduants in the master of philosophy.
The Doctor of Philosophy is the preeminent qualification the university can confer and present the highest level of Academic study. It is the result of years of focused research, and is grandeured as original contribution to the state of knowledge in a field. For a Chancellor, it is now my pleasure to present the doctorate graduats of the university, with a thesis entitled "I Understand It Well, But I Can Not Say It Proper Back - Language Use Among Older Dutch Migrants in New Zealand", H.M.F.
Ladies and gentlemen, would you join me again, and congratulating our Philosophy graduats. ?
3. 授位學生代表講話
Ladies and gentlemen, Doctor I.K., a graduate of the Doctor of Philosophy, will now speak on behalf of the student body. Please extend a warm welcome.
My voice doesn't carry very well. 我心里很緊張。
***** I welcome you all to spend time to be with us today, to share in our success. Thank you for allowing me the wonderful privilege of speaking on behalf of all Applied Humanities graduates.
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