It’s snowing, it’s snowing! Flakes of snow lightly danced like dandelions in the air, and after a while, the earth wore clothes of pure white.
Cute little bear incautiously sprained his ankle, and had to lie in bed all alone. Suddenly, from outside the window came the sound of lighthearted singing. Little bear looked out the window, and saw that it was Little Mouse and Little White Rabbit dancing and singing! The snow still held [impressions of their cute little footprints. Little Bear was truly envious! But what could he do? Little Bear gave a deep sigh, and said aloud to himself: “Better get some more sleep, and maybe in my dream there will be a miracle!”
Sure enough, Little bear had a good dream. In his dream, an old man with a long beard came into his room. The old man fished a little bottle out of his pocket, and smilingly sprayed some liquid from the bottle on Little Bear’s wounded foot. Little Bear immediately leaped up and frisked about, playing cheerfully with his two buddies on the snowy ground.
The happy sounds of the small birds woke Little Bear up, and found that actually it was all just a dream. But then he discovered that there was a small bottle in his hand! Little Bear took up the small bottle and sprayed it on his foot, and the wounded foot was immediately better! This really was a bottle of magic water! After that, Little Bear never again feared bumps and bruises.

小熊果然做了一個好夢。他夢見一位留著長胡子的老爺爺來到了他的小屋里。老爺爺從衣袋里掏出一個小瓶子,笑瞇瞇地噴了噴小熊受傷的腳。小熊馬上就活蹦亂跳了,快活地在雪地上和小伙伴們玩?!?br> 小鳥們的歡聲笑語把小熊吵醒了,原來這只是一場夢??墒切⌒馨l(fā)現自己的手里竟然有一個小瓶子!小熊拿起小瓶子往腳上一噴,受傷的腳馬上就好了。這真是一瓶神水??!從此,小熊再也不怕摔傷了。