Rachel, 25, and David, 29, met at a birthday party in Paris:

She's from: Missoula, Montana

He's from: Paris

Relationship status: Long-distance dating

"I am a little person and finally got the courage to travel to Europe for the first time two years ago. I spent time in Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic, and wanted to spend my last few days in Paris. The last night of my trip, my friend who lives in Paris had a birthday celebration, and invited a bunch of her friends. That's when I saw this beautiful man enter the bar. He was a friend of hers, and was the first to arrive to the party. We drank wine, champagne, and beer, and ate plenty of great food. We were like magnets, totally drawn to each other.

I didn't have the courage to give him a 'bisous' or a 'merci' or slip him my number that night. But a couple months after I was home, we reconnected over email. A year later, I convinced myself to travel back to France to see if it could be real. It was. Now we are (temporarily) long distance — and we're so happy."

— Rachel
