2016-01-13 10:06
Spending the winter in Moscow might be bitterly cold (obviously an understatement), but it could also be magical – especially if you see it through the eyes of photographer Kristina Makeeva.
在莫斯科過冬可能會把你凍成狗(這里顯然是保守說法了),但也可能是魔法般的(奇幻),尤其是如果你通過攝影師Kristina Makeeva的作品看莫斯科。
Going around Moscow during Orthodox Christmas, Makeeva was able to capture the city as if it were a winter wonderland. In her photos are locations like Red Square and the Kremlin, both bathed in snow and colorful lights with people milling about. It’s as if you were looking at images straight out of a fairytale!
在東正教圣誕節(jié)期間,Makeeva在莫斯科徘徊,她鏡頭下捕捉到的這座城市,宛如一個冬季仙境。其作品里捕捉的場景,比如紅場(紅場是莫斯科最古老的廣場 ,是重大歷史事件的見證場所,也是俄羅斯重要節(jié)日舉行群眾集會、大型慶典和閱兵活動的地方,著名旅游景點。是世界上著名的廣場之一)和克里姆林宮(克里姆林宮的“克里姆林”在俄語中意為“內(nèi)城”??死锬妨謱m享有“世界第八奇景”的美譽),都聚集著漫無目的的人群,沐浴在漫天紛飛的白雪和流光溢彩的燈光之下??粗@些照片,就仿佛看到了童話。
You can see more of Kristina Makeeva’s photos over on Instagram.
你可以在Kristina Makeeva的Instagram賬號上看到更多的美圖。