Visitors to Jane Austen's house in the UK are being treated to a rather revealing look at one of the English novelist's most famous characters - Mr Darcy. A provocative show called "Undressing Mr D'Arcy" is just one of a series of events being held to celebrate 200 years since Austen moved to a village in Hampshire. Unsurprisingly, the show is proving to be a big hit with the ladies.
It was two hundred years ago this year that Jane Austen moved to the English village of Chawton in Hampshire in the south of England. And it was in Chawton that she completed her famous novel, Pride and Prejudice, that features one of her most enduring creations, the legendary Mr D'Arcy.
To celebrate the bicentenary, a series of events are being held at Chawton House, among them the show, "Undressing Mr D'Arcy". The idea is to illustrate the male fashion of the Regency period by getting the handsome Mr D'Arcy to take his clothes off.
Gillian Stapleton, creator of "The History Wardrobe", said, "When 'Pride and Prejudice' was first published in 1813 Jane Austen knew that every single one of her readership, women, as well as men, would know exactly what the well dressed Englishman ought to be wearing at all times. There wasn't any secret about it."
But Mr D'Arcy would never take it off in public like this. Apart from her husband, no Regency Lady would ever have seen such a sight. For no man would ever show his shirtsleeves in public. A shirt was considered underwear.
Not surprisingly the show is proving immensely popular with ladies of a certain age. Here, Mr D'Arcy - or Ian Stapleton, as he's known to his friends and family in the 21st century - arrives to a rapturous reception.
Becky Keshmiri said, "It was great watching Mr D'Arcy undress. I mean how many chances do you get to do that? Zero! So it was an opportunity of a lifetime."
Tess Gingrich said, "I thought that was absolutely fabulous. It was worth a trip from New York to see it"
With fans like this, it would be no surprise if Mr D'Arcy's appeal outlives even Chawton House itself.