Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
A court is a place where the law is used to determine the outcome of events. What kind of court is it? Who are in court? What are the people doing?
This week's topic: They went to court... (90-110 words)
1) a court case drama
2) family court, criminal court
3) lawyers presenting a case or a defense in court
4) a tennis or basketball court
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.
The two people strolled side-by-side. The mall was not too crowded as it was still relatively early on a Sunday morning, though in a little while, when lunchtime came, more people would start to show up, especially in the food court. “So, what do you want to buy?” Sean heard the question and turned toward his housemate. “I'm thinking of buying a silver chain,” he replied, “How about you? What gift card do you want to buy?” The housemate looked around and shrugged, saying that he had not yet decided.