全美最長腿女孩腿長1.25米 脖子以下都是腿
作者:Carol Driver
2015-10-22 18:04
A woman who was bullied over her height is inching her way into the record books with what she believes are the longest legs in the US - measuring a whopping 49.5 inches.
Holly Burt– who is 6ft 5ins tall – said she was picked on at school for being so tall – but added since moving to New York two years ago, men love her figure.
Holly said: 'Back in middle school I was called daddy long legs, tree or giraffe - but the dating scene has gotten better since I moved to New York. I definitely have seen guys come up to me who have a fetish for long legs."
Holly believes her legs are definitely an asset now, 'being older I feel like people appreciate them more.'
But being tall also proves difficult when Holly uses standard sized cars or shops for clothes. She said: 'It's very difficult taking planes and getting in cars. My ex-boyfriend had a Mini Cooper and we took that to Florida - it was probably the worst ride of my life.
'I'm hoping my legs will generate good opportunities - I'm very open to modelling again.'
Holly, pictured with a passer-by, said: She said: 'I love the attention that I get.'