Many youngsters grow up watching Disney's Belle, Ariel and Pocahontas onscreen - but they've never seen the princesses quite like this.

A new project has reimagined the feminine forms as hot dogs, and it's gripped the imagination of the internet. The pictures show the great animated heroes with added cheese, mustard and red onion to create their hair, skirts and style.

Creators Anna Hezel and Gabriella Paiella even offered their 'recipes' for readers to create their own works of art. They are the latest to hook on to the Disney Princesses trend, which has seen the women reinvented as larger, smaller, without make-up and more.

They explained: "We put our heads together and thought about what kinds of Disney princesses would inspire us the most. And obviously we thought of hot dogs. Disney has never created a princess who was a hot dog. Imagine if all of their princesses were hot dogs. So inspiring. Wow.”
