作者:Ariel Bogle
2015-09-17 17:40
1. Recognise the personality
Straight away, you have to be aware that with a cat, you're dealing with a strong personality. You have to work with it, rather than against it. Dogs you can call, get their attention and get them in a certain position. With a cat, don’t even try. The more you try with a cat, the more they won’t be a part of the shoot that day.
You have to be more covert and under the radar. If they are exploring, explore with them. Get down to their level and even crawl on the floor. Occasionally, they will pause or do something and flash you a gaze. You have to be patient and ready to grab that moment.
2. Don't force it
Don’t have the kind of shot you are looking for fixed in your mind. Sometimes you may be waiting for them to play or flick a ball with their paw, however that may not happen in the time you want. You may never get that shot. Be open to what they are showing you at the time.
3. Check your lighting
Lighting is important with cats. Cat’s eyes are fascinating, and their pupils can tell you a lot about their mood. Generally, the more fired up they are, the wider the pupils will be. The more relaxed and sleepy they are, the narrower they will be.
Cats with slits in their eyes look distant and a bit cold, as if they aren’t in the room with you. Cats with wide pupils look a bit crazy. Usually something in the middle is right. It's a challenge, but it's a challenge you'll be rewarded for.
4. Get them after a nap
In terms of the best time of day, it's a bit of an experiment. If they are just starting to sleep, there isn’t much of a chance. But if they are coming out of a sleep, they are in the middle zone of being a little bit sleepy and little bit playful. After a cat’s sleep is a pretty good time to capture their attention. It comes back to working with them — don’t rush them and don’t force them.
5. Be on their level
Don’t be scared to put yourself out there, provided the neighbours aren’t looking over the fence at the time. The more you roll around on the ground and make yourself interesting, the more likely it is they will look at you. Make little sounds, get down to their eye level and crawl around and do something that’s worthy of a look from them — then you might get the shot.