2015-08-05 11:16
If there’s one thing the British are good at, it’s watching telly. You may think the Americans would beat us at that, but we’ve taken watching telly and turned it into an art form. Like most people, our favourite TV subject is ourselves, which has led to a number of shows aiming to be as British as possible. So if you want to learn how to be British, you could do worse that sit down to a few episodes of these distinctly British shows.
Nothing says ‘British’ like an alien which can turn into any creature in the universe instead of dying and yet inexplicably decides to return as a white Englishman (or, less commonly, Scotsman). Political commentary aside, Doctor Who owes its long television life not only to a brilliant central character, terrifying alien foes and intelligent scriptwriting, but also to a distinctly British way of doing things. If the Earth is the Doctor’s favourite planet, it’s clear that Britain is his favourite country.
The Monty Python legacy has been the backbone of British comedy for years. The happy chappies of the Python group are known all over the world for their special brand of absurdist humour, and their television series has been host to rip-roaring legends like the Dead Parrot and Cheese Shop sketch (if you’re unaware, a quick search on the Internet will change your life). Alongside their films, the Flying Circus show cemented the Pythons as the best thing on the BBC in the 1980s. Parodying Britishness has never been so quintessentially British.
多年以來,《飛行馬戲團》一直都是英國喜劇的擎天柱。《馬戲團》以荒誕的幽默風(fēng)靡世界,此部電視劇還衍生出《死鸚鵡》(Dead Parrot)和《芝士店》(Cheese Shop)這些驚艷的短?。ㄈ绻氵€沒聽說過這些短劇,趕緊去度娘谷哥一下,說不定就發(fā)現(xiàn)了新大陸)。隨著《飛行馬戲團》的播出,Python的“喜劇六人組”也在BBC 80年代的歷史中留下濃墨重彩的一筆。沒有哪部劇能把英倫風(fēng)展現(xiàn)得如此淋漓盡致。
The global popularity of the modernised Sherlock Holmes series (and its many imitators) has proven yet again that no amount of big blockbuster all-guns-blazing cop shows can compete with the reserved and sharp detective work of one of Britain’s most well-loved characters. Benedict Cumberbatch has been rightly lauded for his depiction of the fast-thinking private eye, and his capers around London reaffirm that we Brits are good at more than drinking tea.
橫掃全球的現(xiàn)代版福爾摩斯系列(及眾多類似作品)再次證明沒有哪家宏大制作、子彈橫飛的警匪片能與英國最受喜愛的偵探片相媲美,我們的夏洛克矜持又敏銳,迷倒全人類。本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)因為傳神地刻畫了那一雙敏銳深邃的眼睛而備受稱贊,他在倫敦周圍的諸次歷險再次佐證了我們英國人不是光會喝茶的!
In a similar vein to the Pythons, the brilliance of Blackadder is based in its genius application of witty and classically British humour. From the dulcet tones of lead man Rowan Atkinson to the bumblings of sidekick Tony Robinson, there’s no better show for ripping apart what makes the British British and having a good laugh at it (it also includes an entire season of pointing fun at the French, which is just about one of the most British activities you can do).
與“喜劇六人組”風(fēng)格類似,《黑爵士》絕妙地融入了詼諧的元素與經(jīng)典的英式幽默。從男一號羅溫·艾金森(Rowan Atkinson)悅耳的語調(diào),到笨手笨腳的助手托尼·羅賓遜(Tony Robinson),沒有哪部劇在如此精確地解析了何為英國人后又把這一切嘲笑一番(還有整整一季都在吐槽法國人,這也是英國人的日?;顒又唬?。
Now, I know what you’re thinking – Friends is an American show, about Americans living in America! How can it be distinctly British? But perhaps you’re not aware that, apart from Season 1, Friends was written entirely by British writers, and if you watch the first season in comparison to the others, the difference really shows. There’s just something about that British sense of humour that can’t be replicated artificially. It’s a fine art, and needs a natural hand. As an English student, take it from me –Friends is a comedy of errors in the Shakespearean tradition, and although they speak in American accents, it’s a British as you’ll get.