

五歲開始沉醉在巴哈與蕭邦的古典鋼琴世界里,六歲寫下自己的第一首歌,十六歲高中時完成個人首張創(chuàng)作演奏專輯,史逸欣(Vienna Teng)很早就展露她的音樂才華。
電腦工程教育背景與音樂創(chuàng)作天賦看似沖突,在她的音樂中卻早已聽出靈性中兼具縝密編曲與浪漫創(chuàng)作的兩極。Vienna Teng的這張Chamber Pop風(fēng)格的專輯《Waking Hour》在美國一發(fā)行,便穩(wěn)坐全美三大告示排行榜、并進(jìn)占亞馬遜網(wǎng)站銷售榜排名第二,AMG 網(wǎng)站四顆星評價。

The Tower--Vienna Teng

the one who survives by making the lives?
of others worthwhile
she's coming apart
right before my eyes
the one who depends on the services she renders
to those who come knocking
she's seeing too clearly what she can't be
what understanding defies?


*she says I need not to need or else a love with intuition
someone who reaches out to my weakness and won't let go
I need not to need I've always been the tower
but now I feel like I'm the flowers trying to bloom in snow*
she turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderly around her
and watches the dusk the words won't come
she carries the act so convincingly the fact is
sometimes she believes it
that she can be happy the way things are
be happy with the things she's done
reach out hold back
where is safety
reach out and hold back
where is the one who can change me
where is the one
I feel I like I'm the flowers trying to bloom in snow
the danger and the power the friend and the foe



