"Best Job in China" Is Calling
The blooming flowers of lavender flowers in Panlongxia are drawing numerous tourists each year. [File Photo:]
The spotlight on the "Best Job in the World" is gradually fading after Britain's Ben Southall beat thousands of competitors around the globe to win the dream position of caretaker of a tropical Australian island.
However, a similar contest has just been announced on May 11 for what many are calling the "Best Job in China".
The management office of Panlongxia, a scenic spot famous for its 200,000 square meters of lavender flower fields in Guangdong, is offering 20,000 RMB per week to two females for the position called "Lavender Angels".
The winners will act as image-ambassadors of the travel resort. The responsibilities of the "Lavender Angels" will be to inspect the lavender fields regularly and record their state of growth, as well as prevent tourists from destroying the plants and polluting the fields.
They will have accomodations in the five-star holiday inn at the resort and enjoy free working meals.
With such good salary and an idyllic working environment, the job is seen by many as the "best job in China."
Candidates are supposed to be only females who are aged between 18 and 25 and are healthy, vigorous and nature-loving, said Liu Liang from the management office of Panlongxia.
They will hold a recruitment fair from May 12 to 14 in Guangdong to select 100 candidates and put their profiles onto the internet for the public to cast their vote.
The winner will be announced as soon as the middle of June.
Panlongxia has the largest lavender fields in southern China. The splendid sea of lavender flowers received more than 20,000 visitors per day during the past May Day holiday.
廣州5月11日電(鄧圩? 慧子)澳大利亞大堡礁看護員工作招聘塵埃落定,來自英國的紹索爾在角逐該職位的16名參賽者中脫穎而出,最終獲得了澳大利亞昆士蘭州旅游局提供的這份被譽為“世界最好工作”的職位。如果錯過了這個機會,也不用太過遺憾,記者最新獲悉,中國版的“絕世好工”將于今日公開對外招聘,德慶盤龍峽景區(qū)將公開招聘兩名薰衣草天使,入住度假村超五星度假別墅,每天巡視薰衣草田指導游客游覽拍照,并對外宣傳推廣德慶盤龍峽薰衣草,周薪達到兩萬元人民幣,已經接近大堡礁看護員的薪酬水平。