1. Worry, surprise, or fear can cause people to raise their eyebrows in discomfort. So if someone compliments your new hairstyle or outfit with raised eyebrows, that person may not be sincere.

2. Whether you know it or not, your vocal range shows your interest. "Once a conversation begins, besotted women slip into sing-songy voices," Psychology Today reports, "while men drop theirs an octave."
不管你是否對此知悉,你聲線的變化反映出興趣?!督袢招睦韺W》(Psychology Today,一本關于心理學的雜志,也有同名網(wǎng)站)報導稱:“一旦人們開始交談,動情的女人們說話會不經(jīng)意地讓聲線動聽,而男人們則會把音低八度?!?/div>

3. When you look at someone in the eyes, it sets an arousal state in the body. A leering stranger can evoke fear, while the stare of a lover can kindle romance.

4. In an attempt to avoid looking shifty-eyed, some liars will purposefully hold their gaze a touch too long, so that it's slightly uncomfortable.

5. Psychologically, crossed legs signal that people are mentally, emotionally, and physically closed off, which may mean they are less likely to budge in a negotiation.

6. When two people are getting along and feeling a connection, their postures and movements mirror each other's.

7. The smile is all about the crow's-feet around your eyes. When you're smiling joyfully, they crinkle. When you're faking it, they don't.

8. Someone who is receptive to your humor is most likely interested in you. Laughter serves as a way of signaling a desire for a relationship, be it platonic or romantic.

9. They include holding an erect posture, purposeful walking, steepling, palm-down hand gestures, and generally open and expansive body postures.

10. A shaky leg can signal anxiety and irritation.