Police in Northern Ireland have apologised to a couple for mistakenly arresting them moments before their wedding ceremony was due to begin. The Irish groom, his Chinese bride and their guests were detained on suspicion that the marriage was fictitious for immigration purposes. Here’s our Northern Ireland reporter Andy Martin.

北愛爾蘭警方在一對夫婦結婚儀式開始幾分鐘之前錯誤地將他們逮捕,現在向他們道歉。這位愛爾蘭新郎,他的中國新娘以及他們的賓客全部被拘留,原因是他們懷疑這次虛假婚姻的目的是移民。我們的北愛爾蘭記者Andy Martin報道。

The groom knew immediately that something was wrong when the registrar at Derry’s Guildhall unexpectedly claimed that there was unfinished paperwork just before the ceremony began. He and his fiancee were led into an adjoining room and arrested by detectives. They were taken to a nearby police station, locked in separate cells and dressed in paper forensic overalls. Although the police have apologised, that’s not enough for Mr McElwee. The couple were married 24 hours later, but say the magic had already been taken out of their big day.



1. reel vi. 眩暈;震顫
例句:Her mind reeled when she learned her son had been abducted.

2. chaotic adj. 混沌的;一片混亂的;一團糟的
例句:The traffic in the city was chaotic.

3. ruin vt. 破壞, 毀掉
例句:The storm ruined our wheat.

4. blast n. 爆炸
例句:Police said that the blast occurred at 9 a.m.

5. verify vt. 證實, 核實
例句:All those facts verified his innocence.

6. loot v. 搶劫, 掠奪
例句:The mob looted many shops in the area.

7. reprisal n. 報復(行為)
例句:They took bloody reprisals against the leaders.

8. release vt. 發(fā)布; 發(fā)行; 發(fā)售
例句:When is the best moment to release the date of the election to the newspapers?

9. underground adj. 地下組織的, 秘密的
例句:The spy never told his family about his underground activities.

10. fictitious adj. 假的, 虛構的, 編造的, 假設的, 假裝的
例句:They bought the materials under fictitious names.

11. registrar n. 主管注冊者;記錄者;登記員;注冊主任
例句:The manager fired a young registrar.

12. adjoining adj. 毗連的,鄰近的
例句:They stayed in adjoining rooms.