Gasparilla Island/加斯帕里拉島

Surfers wait for the perfect wave at Gasparilla Island State Park, a refuge at the southern end of Gasparilla Island. This barrier island, about an hour's drive from Sarasota on Florida's west coast, has one city: Boca Grande, a classic beach town.

Redington Shores/雷丁頓海濱

A privately owned pier in Redington Shores has beckoned fishermen since 1962. The pier juts more than 1,200 feet out into the Gulf of Mexico.

Sugarloaf Key/舒格洛夫暗礁

Less developed than the Upper Keys, Sugarloaf and the other Lower Keys draw kayakers, swimmers, and sunbathers to their peaceful beaches.

Dog-Friendly Beaches/對狗狗友好的海灘

Sparky, a five-year-old pooch from Brandon, relaxes on the beach at Fort De Soto Park in Pinellas County. Many Florida beaches are open to visitors of the furry persuasion.

Fort Lauderdale Beach/勞德代爾堡灘

Colorful catamarans dot the beach at Fort Lauderdale, one of the world's most popular vacation destinations. A prime reason: this three-mile stretch of golden sand.

House of Refuge Beach/海灘避難房

The only remaining of ten such shelters built in the late 1800s for shipwrecked sailors—anchors the beach in Stuart.
海灘避難房— 19世紀末為輪船失事的海員建造,如今僅存十個這樣的避難房點綴在斯圖瓦特的海灘。

St. Petersburg/圣彼得堡

Late-day clouds billow over Tampa Bay at North Shore Park. The park covers more than 30 acres along St. Petersburg's waterfront.

St. Vincent Island/圣文森特島

Undeveloped and reachable only by boat, St. Vincent Island in northwest Florida is a world apart from the glitz and glamour of South Florida. A refuge for turtles, eagles, deer, and other animals, the barrier island is near the mouth of the Apalachicola River.

Bradenton and Palma Sola Bay/布雷登頓和帕爾馬索拉灣

Horseback riding on the beach—and in the water—is possible in Bradenton and Palma Sola Bay, in Manatee County on Florida's west coast.

Palm Beach/棕櫚灘

Longtime home of the rich and famous (think Donald Trump and the Kennedys), Palm Beach also boasts beautiful beaches popular with surfers.

Fort Jefferson/杰斐遜堡

Fort Jefferson was started in 1846 and never completed. The ruins are now part of Dry Tortugas National Park, a bird and marine life sanctuary.

Fort De Soto Park/堡德索托公園

Once named America's best beach, Fort De Soto Park in Pinellas County actually contains several picture-perfect beaches. The park also protects mangroves, palm hammocks, hardwoods, and other native vegetation.