Growing up on a sheep farm, she didn't move to Sydney until she was 16.

With her mother's love, she turned the childhood hardship into strength and grew into a determined woman.

As a long-time friend of Audrey Hepburn, she was bestowed with the Title of "Etiquette Queen" by Queen Elizabeth II.

As a great supporter of Confucius, she respects traditional Chinese culture and tries her best to learn how to use chopsticks.

She loves sunshine, flowers, children and everything nice.

She is Miss Dally, the World Etiquette Queen.
她,就是Miss Dally,世界禮儀皇后。

2月9日下午2:30,上海東郊賓館,Miss Dally見面會如期舉辦。宴會廳門前迎賓的CC貓和部落虎賣萌模式全開,歡迎各位參加活動的琴童和滬友。

廣州達領(lǐng)國際精英學院的董利老師,作為Miss Dally的得意門生,以一曲優(yōu)美的《田納西華爾茲》拉開了見面會的序幕。



隨著小琴童的一句“I’m here to welcome Miss Dally”(我是來歡迎Miss Dally的),身著米金色套裝的世界禮儀皇后款款登場。一舉一動,一顰一笑,無不展現(xiàn)了禮儀皇后的非凡氣質(zhì)。喜歡孩子的Miss Dally開心地攬過前排的孩子拍照,想必也想起了自己可愛的孫子、孫女了吧!

Four points in Miss Dally's speech that impressed us a lot.
隨后,Miss Dally分享了她的想法和體會。其中,關(guān)于演講內(nèi)容印象最深的有四個方面。

1. The most beautiful gifts in the world - smile, love - are all free. We are born with them.

2. Parents should love their children and, at the same time, discipline them. Parents should also direct their children to behave correctly and ask them to do the right thing.

3. My body is the house for my heart and soul. And the brain is the control tower, telling the body what to say and what to do. We all have to listen to our own voices and listen to the others'. We should keep learning.

4. Everyone here today, I want to give you a special gift. I want to give you the most beautiful gift in the whole wide world. I want to give you love.

演講當中也有一些小插曲,讓人很難忘。有幾個孩子趴在臺子前拍照,工作人員想讓他們回到座位上,不要影響Miss Dally分享。但Miss Dally卻叫住了孩子們,鼓勵他們成為未來的攝影師、大導(dǎo)演。

Later on, during the forum, Miss Dally shared her opinons on etiquette, manner, culture and other topics with other three distinguished guests - Mr. Chang from Hujiang, Mr. Kong who is Confuciu's descendant and Mr. Zhang, the president of Dally Institute of International Studies. Their discussion covered several topics, from Confucianism to Western etiquette, from the idea that parents are their children's teachers to the relation between personal development, family ties and the governance of the country, from introducing Western etiquette to retaining traditional Chinese culture...
接下來是《貓爸會客廳》東郊賓館現(xiàn)場直播,Miss Dally、貓爸、孔子第74代傳人孔華威先生和達領(lǐng)精英學院的張院長開啟論談模式。從2500年的儒家文化到西方禮儀,從“父母是孩子的老師”到“修身齊家治國平天下”,從引入西方禮儀文化到傳承中國傳統(tǒng)文化……

孔子后人還帶大家穿越了2500年時光,教會Miss Dally古代見面時的禮儀。

僅用“收獲”二字完全不足以表達下午參加活動的感受,千言萬語只匯成一句:Miss Dally, I love you! Thank you for coming!