Stalk her? How about marry her?! Dylan McDermott and his Stalkerco-star Maggie Q are engaged, The New York Post reports.
跟蹤她?不如娶了她?!《紐約郵報》報道,Dylan McDermott和他的《跟蹤者》女主角Maggie Q訂婚了。

According to sources, the couple were dating a few months before Q debuted an engagement ring Sunday at Golden Globes after-parties.
據(jù)知情人透露,在Maggie Q在周日的金球獎party上秀訂婚戒指的前幾個月,他們就已經(jīng)在一起了。

This would be the first marriage for Q and the second for McDermott, who was married for 13 years to Shiva Rose, with whom he has two children.
這將會是Maggie Q的第一段婚姻,是McDermott的第二段婚姻,第一段婚姻McDermott和Shiva Rose有過一段13年的婚姻,兩人還生了2個孩子。

E-mails to both stars' reps were not immediately returned.