2012-07-08 16:44
discuss official business
- The use of obstructionist tactics,especially prolonged speechmaking,for the purpose of delaying legislative action.
議事的阻撓阻撓手段的使用,尤指作冗長的演說以達到妨礙議事進行的目的 - kangaroo closure
[英]限制議事法(由議會或委員會主席決定幾個修正案中何項應進行辯論,何項應予擱置的一種議事規(guī)則) - He is in council now.
他正在議事。 - They are very formal in their business transactions.
他們的商務議事很有條理。 - Could you run off twenty copies of the agenda?
你把議事日程表復印二十份好嗎? - Nothing marred the unanimity of the proceedings.
議事未受任何阻礙獲得一致通過。 - Our agenda underwent a rapid change after the chairman's resignation.
主席辭職后,我們的議事項目迅即做出變動. - Now we come to the main item on the agenda.
現在我們進入了議事行程上的主要議題。 - Our agenda underwent a rapid change after the chairman's resignation
主席辭職後,我們的議事項目迅即做出變動 - When we plan a meeting,we decide in detail on its length,on the agenda,etc
n. 官員,行政人員;裁判員,執(zhí)法人
adj. 官方的,法定的,正式的;公務的,公職的;冠冕堂皇的;官員的
- Babbitt was an official delegate.
巴比特是一名正式代表。 - He is an important official in the government.
他是政府的要員。 - It is a scandal for officials to take bribes.
n. 商業(yè),交易,生意;公司,商店;事情;職責
- Be engaged in; be Busy in
從事于 - to sit for business
因公滯留 - As Busy as a bee