2012-07-08 07:14
lower the boom on
- The rebels must be harshly dealt with
造反者必須嚴懲。 - Dangerous driving should be severely punished.
危險駕駛應(yīng)受嚴懲。 - He was scourged for tax evasion.
他因逃稅受到嚴懲。 - Punish(sb)severely;thrash
嚴懲(某人);痛打. - I hold no brief for severe punishment
我不贊成嚴懲。 - Punish or treat sb severely
嚴懲或嚴厲對待某人. - The courts must bear down on young criminals.
法庭必須嚴懲青年罪犯。 - The scoundrels who ran amuck will be severely punished.
橫行無忌的歹徒將受到嚴懲。 - Those who dare to appropriate public funds to their private use will surely be severely punished.
膽敢挪用公款者必將受到嚴懲。 - Only when the profiteering officials are given severe punishment can bureaucratic profiteering be checked.
n. 嚴罰;嚴懲
- congee; rice gruel; porridge
粥;稀飯 - Gruel is convenient to make in the morning for breakfast.
吃早飯時,做稀粥是很方便的。 - The presentation of future plans had been a grueling work
n. 嚴罰;嚴懲
- And getting paid for it is gruelling labour in itself.
而且這份工作本身就非常辛苦。 - Mr Stocks can expect a gruelling week on the publicity treadmill.
斯托克斯先生可以預(yù)見下一周會被枯燥繁重的宣傳工作搞得焦頭爛額。 - But the end to gruelling daylight abstinence and excessive night-time revelry is not the only relief.
adj. 下游的;下方的;在底部的;下級的,下等的
v. 放下,降下;減少,降低
- rate lower; lower in value or esteem.
降低事物的等級;讓事物的價值或聲望下降。 - He is a teacher of a lower form.
他是低年級的老師。 - To lower in quality or character;debase.