2012-07-06 13:25
Iron skin
n. 鐵;鐵質;熨斗;剛強;毅力;鐵頭球桿
v. 燙平,熨
adj. 鐵的,剛強的
- The hot iron seared the trousers.
熱熨斗燙焦了長褲。 - Iron oxide red pigments
GB/T1863-1989氧化鐵紅顏料 - Strike while the iron is hot.
打鐵趁熱。 - Iron corrode easily.
鐵易受腐蝕。 - The party has iron discipline!
n. 皮膚;毛皮;外皮
v. 剝皮,削皮;擦傷;欺騙;嚴厲訓斥;愈合
- Daily brushing of the skin helps the skin expel toxins.
每天擦洗皮膚有助于皮膚排毒。 - (of a place on the skin)with the skin rubbed away and therefore sore
(指皮膚某處)擦掉皮因而疼痛的 - Beauty is but skin deep.
美的深度僅在皮膚表面而已。 - Beauty is But skin-deep
紅顏易變 - The skin of his foot are mortifying.