2012-07-06 07:38
fish for
nose about
nose for
nose into
poke one's nose into
sound out
stick one's nose into
thrust one's nose into
thrust oneself in
- snoop into a person's private life
探聽某人的私生活 - Don't nose into other people's business.
別總探聽別人的事情。 - He's always ready to pry into other people's business.
他總愛探聽別人的事。 - He always pokes his nose into others' private things.
他總喜歡探聽別人的私事。 - I don't mean to pry,so there's no need to clam up on me.
我并不想要探聽什么,因此你不必對我守口如瓶。 - She succeeded in pumping the name of the winner out of him.
她成功地從他的口中探聽到了獲勝者的名字。 - I thought I had poked my nose into every bit of conceivable business in neighborhoods.
我覺得自己已經(jīng)把街坊四鄰每一點可以搞清楚的事情都探聽到了。 - "As I had nothing more to do at versailles, I went to Auteuil, and gained all the information I could
“我在凡爾賽既然無事可做,就到歐特伊來竭力探聽消息。 - do not connect sex with bad or naughty prohibition, because that leads to curiosity, testing out and experimentation.
不要把性和壞的或下流的被禁止事物聯(lián)系起來,因為這樣會引發(fā)好奇、探聽和親身去試驗。 - comparison shopper
n. 魚;魚肉
v. 捕魚,釣魚;搜尋
- Fishes is used to refer to different species of fish fishes
的形式是用以指魚的不同品種 - To fish in the air
海底撈月 - Big fish eat little fish.
n. 鼻子;嗅覺;香氣
v. 嗅,聞;探問;小心探索著前進
- This dog has a wonderfully good nose.
這只狗嗅覺特靈。 - Under one's nose
在眼皮底下 - I have a cough and a running nose.
prep. 關(guān)于;大約;從事于;在…到處
adv. 附近
adj. 在附近的;即將...的
- There was nobody about.
附近沒有人。 - Stereotypes about adultery are as common as research about it is flaky.
奇怪的是:這種陳詞濫調(diào)和關(guān)于通奸的研究一樣普遍。 - She has a complex about rats.