2012-07-04 07:07
rush to deal with an emergency
- Rescue workers were sent to relieve the trapped coal miners.
搶險人員被派去解救被困在井下的煤礦工人。 - Those robbing materials for military use, or materials for fighting disasters or relieving disaster victims.
v. 沖;奔;闖;快速運輸;倉促行事;涌
n. 沖,奔;匆忙,倉促;緊急;忙碌;激增;爭購;蜂擁前往
adj. 緊急的,急需的
- Please rush our orders .
請把點的菜快點做好。 - Don't rush to a conclusion.
不要急于下結(jié)論。 - Avalanches rushed down.
v. 處理;對付;交易;有關(guān)聯(lián);發(fā)牌;給予;分配
n. 交易;待遇;數(shù)量
- Democrats usually do. They deal with labor, they deal with people.
民主黨人通常都是這樣的。民主黨人和勞工打交道,和人民打交道。 - To administer or deal out.
管理;分配 - repeat an order, a deal
再次供應(yīng)同樣一批貨、 一筆交易.
n. 緊急情況;突發(fā)事件;非常時刻
adj. 緊急的,應(yīng)急的
- emergency panel
備用配電盤 - Language emerges and develops with the emergence and development of society.
語言是隨著社會的產(chǎn)生而產(chǎn)生,隨著社會的發(fā)展而發(fā)展的。 - You must keep calm in an emergency.