2012-07-04 02:03
as it did ;as it they were ;as it was ;as they did
- The minivan was actually born at ford
微型貨車其實是在福特汽車公司誕生的。 - we love in vain narcissistic so shallow.
我們的所愛是如此的徒然無用,其實是自我陶醉和如此的淺薄! - He remained neutral on the surface, but actually he was looking on coldly.
他表面上保持中立,其實是在坐觀成敗。 - Beneath its surface glitter, the fashion industry is a tough place to work in.
時裝業(yè)表面上光彩迷人,但其實是個辛苦的行業(yè)。 - He came to see me on/under the pretext of asking my advice when he really wanted to borrow money.
他以請我指教為藉口前來看我,其實是想借錢. - The supposed beggar was really a police officer in disguise.
那個眾人眼中的乞丐,其實是化了裝的警察。 - Properly implemented, encryption can be virtually impenetrable
加密技術(shù)如果使用得當,其實是很難破解的。 - "Unhappy families are really similar to one another - there's much more variability among happy families."
"不幸的家庭其實是彼此相似的,而幸福的家庭才各不相同"。 - Few people know that it really is the Angel of Christian Charity.
很少有人知道它其實是代表著“基督博愛之神”。 - I realized that the buzz I had thought was a singing in my ear was really a medley of voices.
v. [do] 的過去式形式;做
- What we did we did for the best.
我們所做的一切都是出于好意。 - We did an hour of gym.
我們做了一小時的體操。 - Did they get spliced?
pron. 他們;她們;它們
v. be (are) 的過去式;be 的虛擬語氣形式
- You were at the scene!
你當時就在現(xiàn)場! - Were you a bunny?