2012-07-03 15:06
- To gaze fixedly and ponder
凝神思索 - He concentrated on surveying the small island in the distance.
他凝神俯瞰遠處的小島。 - Others look high spirited while still others seem to be gazing fixedly at something.
有的意氣高昂,有的凝神專注。 - The two of them lay rapt and attentive
他們兩個趴著愣愣地凝神細聽。 - and, without seeking to comprehend the incomprehensible, he gazed upon it
他不強求了解這種無法了解的現(xiàn)象,但是他凝神注視著一切。 - After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr Taylor went back into his shop.
泰勒先生站在櫥窗外凝神欣賞了幾分鐘就回到了店里。 - The disgusted gesture with which Jastrow turns his page surprises an uncertain laugh from the rapt audience
n. 注視;沉思;意圖
- contemplate one's navel.
注視著自己的中心問題。 - It is just too dangerous to contemplate.
形勢太危險了,容不得你盤算思考。 - She lay in bed, contemplating.
她躺在床上冥思苦想。 - We cannot always be contemplative.
我們不可能永遠在沉思默想。 - It is a place of quiet contemplation.