2012-07-03 03:15
delicious delicacies
- Superb cuisine and wide selection of drinks.
美味佳肴,各種飲料 - It's so delicacies that beguile even the most discerning gourmet.
這是即使最識貨的美食家也會著迷的美味佳肴。 - His appetite was not of that squeamish kind which cannot feed on a dainty.
他不是那種無法咽食美味佳肴的人。 - Suggestive of ambrosia;fragrant or delicious.
美味佳肴的;芳香的,美味的使人想到神仙食品的;芳香或美味的 - Something pleasing and appealing, especially a choice food.
美味佳肴使人愉悅高興的,吸引人的東西,尤指食物 - This is not about gorging yourself, nor is it a search for gourmet foods for our taste buds
這既不是為了填飽自己的肚子,也不是為我們的味蕾尋找美味佳肴。 - Smell the perfume of flowers,taste with relish each morsel,as if tomorrow you could never smell and taste again.
adj. 美味的,可口的
- The lobster is delicious.
龍蝦肉特別美味。 - It smells delicious.
聞起來很香。 - a choice or delicious dish.
一件精選品或一道美味菜。 - There is a delicious irony in all this.
這一切中包含了一種絕妙的諷刺。 - This is a delicious dish—liver and onions.
n. 精致,精美的食品;微妙,嬌氣;棘手,微弱;靈巧
- (a) want [lack] of delicacy
缺乏體貼 - feel a delicacy about
感到棘手 - A topic of some delicacy.
有幾分微妙的主題 - Everyone admired the delicacy of her features.
人人都羨慕她嬌美的容貌。 - Delicacy or subtlety in craft,performance,or effect.