2012-06-30 00:53
verge on ;verge upon
- Rear-arc basins seem to have opening kinematics very like other chasmic basins
弧后盆地似乎很象其他裂陷盆地那樣具有張開運動 - He has a very feminine voice.
他的嗓音很象女人。 - She Bears resemBlance to her mother.
她長得很象她母親。 - She put the glasses on and felt very dashing, like an actress in the movies
她戴上眼鏡,覺得漂亮得很,很象電影里的女明星。 - The likeness is indeed true, but it is a dull, dead, unfeeling, inauspicious likeness
真的,它確實很象,但卻是一種呆滯死板,暮氣沉沉,毫無情感的相似。 - He is very spry and well-dressed, more like a young society man than anything else, and very standoffish
他很活潑,衣著很講究,很象一個社交場中的年輕人,而且很自高自大。 - A variety of fennel(Foeniculum vulgare )whose blanched aromatic,celerylike stalks are eaten as a vegetable.
n. 邊緣
v. 接近;處在邊緣
- The sky was clear from verge to verge.
天空這一頭到那一頭,完全澄澈清明。 - This country is on the verge of economic crisis.
這個國家正處于經(jīng)濟危機的邊緣。 - The plane verged into the clouds.
飛機飛入云端。 - This narrow strip verges the road.
這條狹長的地帶構(gòu)成了公路的邊沿。 - On the verge of war,success, bankruptcy
prep. 在...上;緊接著;逼近;根據(jù);走上...;爬上...
- He stepped upon the alter.
他走上圣壇。 - To bear hard upon;press.
使痛苦不堪對某人施加困難;逼迫 - press hard upon
進逼|壓迫|窮追 - call upon; call on
應(yīng)用;訪問;號召;呼吁 - Lay stress on / upon