2012-06-28 11:06
[Literal Meaning]
to ponder whether to use “push
- Then I'd edit his copy, and we'd go back and forth.
然后由我審編他寫的稿子,我們兩個(gè)人反復(fù)推敲。 - He hashed a phrase in order to colour the sentence.
他反復(fù)推敲一個(gè)習(xí)語以使該句增色。 - I will practice, and improve, and polish the words
我要字斟句酌,反復(fù)推敲推銷時(shí)用的語言。 - She has an ability to concentrate on every sentence and to work and rework every passage until it is right
adj. 照字面的,逐字的;文字的;平實(shí)的,無夸張的
- the literal meaning of ponder is
- It was almost literally an echo , in fact.
差不多就是真正的“回聲”。 - This sentence can not be literally rendered.
n. 意義;含義;意圖
adj. 意味深長的
- That was a mean trick!
那是卑鄙的詭計(jì)! - A modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies.
修飾語除了加強(qiáng)修飾詞的意思之外沒有實(shí)際意義。 - get money by dishonest means
非法賺錢, 得不義之財(cái)
adv. 反復(fù)地,再三地
- She violated the terms of the contract repeatedly.
她三番五次地違反合同條款。 - He repeatedly urged us to declare bankruptcy.
他一再敦促我們宣告破產(chǎn)。 - Failures to prohibit unauthorized departmental coffers repeatedly.