2012-06-28 07:28
bad news
heavy news
Job's news
- to sorrow at a bad news .
對噩耗感到悲傷 。 - The news of her death really threw me.
她的噩耗確實令我震驚。 - He wept at the sad news.
他聽到那個噩耗,便哭了起來。 - I was most distressed to hear the sad news of your father's death.
我聽到你父親去世的噩耗,十分難過. - I was shocked to hear of his poor death.
adj. 壞的;有害的;嚴重的;腐壞的;不適合的
adv. 很,非常
n. 不好的東西或情形
- That was a bad miss.
那是一個嚴重的失誤。 - This is a bad simulation.
這是一次拙劣的模仿。 - A Bad beginning makes a Bad ending
n. 新聞,報導(dǎo);新聞人物,新聞事件
- That news will keep.
那個消息留待以后再宣布。 - The venture was new.
這是一次新的冒險。 - The news was flashed to Washington and then to New York.
adj. 沉的;超出一般的;辛苦的;厚的;繁忙的;耗費...的;危險的;沉悶的;嚴厲的
n. 保鏢;苦啤酒
- a truck; a heavy duty truck
載重汽車 - Light Burdens far heavy
遠途無輕擔 - An elephant has a heavy build.