2012-06-28 05:45
at once
- My scalp began to prickle as I realized the horrible truth.
我了解到了那令人恐懼的事實,頓時感到不寒而栗. - The fire flared up as I put more logs on it.
我加上了幾塊木柴,火頓時旺起來. - He had been instantly shocked by the fragility of his opponent and the ease of his advantage.
他發(fā)現(xiàn)對方軟弱得毫無抵抗力,自己不費吹灰之力占了上風,頓時大吃一驚。 - Immediately a funeral gloom settled like a noonday darkness upon the city
頓時,全城天昏地暗,一片哀傷。 - Cut off all hopes of reconciliation
使一切和解的希望頓時告吹 - The quiet village suddenly became astir
寂靜的山村,頓時沸騰起來。 - At once a draft of cool fresh air suffused the room.
頓時一陣涼快新鮮的微風吹遍了房間。 - A blush mantled over the bronzed cheek of the gladiator
斗士古銅色的臉膛頓時漲得通紅。 - The meeting hall was seething at once
會場上頓時沸騰起來了。 - The news threw the family into a panic.
adv. 一次,一回;一度;曾經(jīng)
conj. 一旦;一…就…
n. 一次;一回
- Once is no custom
一次不成例 - Do it for this once.
就干這一次吧。 - Gordon is at once modest and clever.(at once …and…既..又)
adv. 立即;直接地
conj. 一…就
- immediate bridge
立即齒橋 - The law is effective immediately.
這項法律立即生效。 - The evidence has no immediate bearing on the case.
adv. 立即;毫不猶豫地
- I could have you arrested forthwith!
我可以立即逮捕你! - A lane was forthwith opened through the crowd of spectators.
圍觀的人群中擠開了一條通路。 - And they forthwith left their nets and father, and followed him.