2012-06-27 14:21
once; right away; off hand; immediately
- Wilson accepted her good wishes, but with customary agility rejected out of hand her demand for an election.
威爾遜對她的良好祝愿表示感謝,并以他平素的敏捷當即反駁了她的大選要求。 - The poor girl was dismissed instantly.
這個可憐的姑娘被當即解雇。 - He pulled the trigger and the bottle was shot to pieces.
他扣動扳機,瓶子當即被打得粉碎。 - She was instantly embarrassed and could feel her face heating up.
她當即感到很窘,只覺得臉上一陣發(fā)熱。 - Four hands then quickly carried me upstairs.
當即就有四只手抓住我,把我拖上樓去。 - The boss was so angry over Ned's mistake that he fired him on the spot.
老板對于內(nèi)德的失誤極為惱火,當即就把他解雇了。 - She instantly felt that she was the greatest simpleton in the world, the most unaccountable and absurd!
她當即感到她是世界上最大的笨蛋,真是荒唐至極,不可思議。 - Well, Jabez told his family it was a lawyer, come to see him about a legacy.
杰貝茲當即告訴妻小,說來者是位律師,是為了一筆遺產(chǎn)的事來看他的。 - As the cry was repeated several times, she ran to tell the manager who promptly rang up the fire brigade.
adv. 一次,一回;一度;曾經(jīng)
conj. 一旦;一…就…
n. 一次;一回
- Once is no custom
一次不成例 - Do it for this once.
就干這一次吧。 - Gordon is at once modest and clever.(at once …and…既..又)
adv. 在遠處;離開,遠離;消失
- to kick away; to spurn away
一腳踢開 - to die away; to fade away; to vanish; to elapse; to wear away
消逝 - She barked the boy away.
adv. 掉,下;離開;隔開;切斷;停止;;休息;光,完,盡;全部地
prep. 從...離開;從...向下;在...的外面;偏離...;從...分岔;不再從事...;低于...
adj. 關(guān)著的;停止流通的;延期的;取消的;不工作的;處于...境況的;蕭條的
n. 關(guān)掉
- Is the water on or off?
自來水龍頭開著還是關(guān)著? - The gilt is off.
幻想破滅了。 - to nip off; to cut off; to break